Chapter Two: Dorms.

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As he walked into the dorm, his eyes opened wide in shock to see a girl with long black hair, and soft brown eyes standing there in a pink-ish towel standing in the sitting room.

He looked her up and down, and made a disgusted looking face as he gasped.


The girl jumped upon seeing him, she grabbed a pillow and roughly threw it at him, screaming loudly.


That's when he realized how this must look to her, a strange boy, coming into her dorm, and staring at her. He quickly jumped away from the pillow

"Woah calm down! Let me explain!" He grabbed the pillow and walked in, slamming the door behind him.

"This is my dorm, I guess we have to share* he spoke calmly, not looking in her direction as his heart started to race and he felt his anxiety getting bad again.

"This is an all girls school you freak!"

He rolled his eyes and made an angry face.

"Believe me I don't wanna be here either, it's this or moving back in with my mom!"

He threw the pillow at her and walked away, going into the empty bedroom and placing his things down on the bed. The girl groaned and went to her own bedroom, and he thought that was the end of it.

He took his shoes off and laid on his bed, letting out a soft sigh.

"This is not good Atlas" he mumbled to himself before his door slammed open, it was the same girl from before.

"Get out of here! This is MY dorm! A boy isn't supposed to be here!" She angrily stomped her foot, raising her voice at him

He stood up, this time he was annoyed.

"Listen, I won't bother you if you don't bother me, now please get out"

He stood up and began to close the door, but she stopped him

"This isn't your dorm! Get out!"

He rolled his eyes

"If you have an issue talk to the headmaster! Believe me id rather not be sharing my dorm with a GIRL"

Her eyes widened in shock as she glared at him

"What's wrong with girls?" A fire was burning in her eyes as she stared at him.

"Nothing! God will you just go!?"

She stepped forward into his room

"not until you tell me what's wrong with girls* her voice seethed through her teeth as she growled.

"I have Gynophobia ok!? God..."

Her eyes opened wide as she looked at him with shock

"What the hell is that?!"

he blushes and looked down

"Gynophobia is a fear...or phobia.... of um......women"

The girl let out a large giggle, as her face turned pink.

"You're afraid of women!?" She chuckled as happy-tears poured down her cheeks

His face turned a bright red as tears filled his eyes

"Shut up! It's a real issue...! You have no idea how hard it is to be afraid of HALF THE POPULATION!"

Tears started to pour down his cheeks

"I'm afraid of women, and I can't help it."

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