Chapter 38~ The Note

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"Okay pass them in," the teacher commanded.

"Ugh, finally." Kristen whined.

"Just think about it this way, when we are done we graduate in a week,"

"Yeah and by then I will be 6 and a half months pregnant."

The dreaded week of finals was here. Kristen and I had planned what we were going to do as a study rotation thing. I was only letting her stay up until 11 every night because being tired isn't good for the baby boy let alone taking tests in the morning.

"How many do you have left?" I asked Ben on our way home.

"Four, what about you?"

"Haha I only have one left," I teased.

"Which one?"

"Biology which I really have to pass for a good college," I explained.

"Ugh, I wouldn't want that job, what do you want to be?" He asked.

"ER nurse," I smiled.

"Your kidding right?"

"Nope, I have always wanted to be the nurse that works with accidents and kids being stupid that get hurt. Ever since I flipped the fourwheeler with Adrian and the nurse told me it would hurt but it would help and I wanted to be the person to calm down people and feel the adrenaline rush. Plus it looks fun on Greys Anatomy." I explained. "What about you?"

"You are something else, and I don't really know," he shook his head.

"Thanks for the ride, you want to come with me and Blakelyn to the park?"

"Nah I have to meet with some guy about my dads will,"

"Okay call me if you need anything,"

"Bye Lex I love you," he lightly kissed me.

"Love you too."


I was walking around the park when my phone started ringing.


"Hey babe, I was wondering if you can come over to my house,"

"Yeah sure, are you okay?" I was concerned.

"Yeah um I am kinda in shock right now, I just need someone here with me," his voice sounded strained.

"Okay i will stop home and drop Blakelyn-" I started.

"You can bring her along," he cut me off.

"Um I will see you then. Love you."

"Love you too," he whispered.

I drove into Ben's vacant driveway and could hear Blakelyn's snores from the back seat. I picked her up and held her in my arms as I rang the doorbell.

"He was never broke," was the first Ben said when he opened the door.


"My dad, he faked the whole fricken thing," he yelled. And Blakelyn started to cry.

"Shhhhh she was sleeping, just settle down." I soothed.

"Oh sorry, can I hold her? It was my fault she woke up and she calms me down."

"Yeah sure, baby you gotta let go," I whispered to Blakelyn as she clung to my shirt. He handed me the paperwork. I opened the folder and a note fell out. "Did you see this?" I asked him as I picked up the note.

"No, what does it say,"

"Its a note from your dad,

Ben before you hate me for lying to you, let me explain. Yes I lied to you. But it wasn't just my idea. Actually your mother came up with it. She told me before she passed that you were becoming a person she didn't want you to ever be. You were as she put it a dickhead. The only way we saw that we could change you was by taking away what you had and making you work for it. And I watched it happen ever since the first day you came home from that farm that something changed. Lennox whipped you in shape good. And that girl loves you just as much as she loves her daughter. I see it in the way she looks at you. I see it in the way she doesn't feel like she has to try to impress you with how she looks. She loves you. And I know you still love her. So promise me one thing if you marry her or if you find happiness with someone else (which I seriously doubt) you give her Nana's ring. And don't mess this up again. I love the person you have become son. I love that I am now proud to call you my son. I love you Ben.


I read the note outloud and his anger started to fade and he smiled at the end.

"He did it to make your life better," I smiled.

"Yeah and it did otherwise I would have never met you and this little angel," he kissed Blakelyn on the forehead.

"Dada," Blakelyn said and kissed Ben on the forehead back. It melted my heart that she just called him dada. She could now run around the house but this was her first time she even talked to him let alone kissed him.

"Yeah Blakey finally talked to me," He yelled.

"Good job angel,"

"How much did he leave you?" I asked.

"7.5 million the guy was loaded."


"Yup, enough to support you and our kids for a long time," he smirked.

"Who says you and I are going to have kids?" I joked.

"I-i just t-tho-" he stuttered.

"Aww don't get ahead of yourself mister stutter, I love you but I gotta go home and put my baby to bed."

"Oh thats okay I can put myself to bed," he winked.

"I meant my little angel thank you," I slapped him upside the head. "You going to come home with me or not?"

"Of course,"

"You ready to graduate?" I asked.

"Yup, only 4 more days."


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