Chapter 28~ The Truth

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Well if I only tell them part of it maybe it will count and they won't ask anymore questions.

"Okay well Jackson, remember how I told you that since Adrian was older so after he graduated he enlisted in the army."

"Yeah........." he nodded.

"Well he didn't, he left when something came up in our relationship and I haven't heard or seen him since." A tear rolled down my face. And mentally begged they wouldn't ask any more questions.

"What? How could he? What came up?" Jackson yelled.

"Woah, okay, Mason is throughly confused so why don't you tell us all, from the beginning, the real story." Mason contorted his face and pointed at himself as he talked.

I sniffled and started the actual story, "Okay, so when I was 13 my parents were friends with Adrian's. So everytime we would go to their house or they would come here we would hang out and stuff. Then one time we were riding through the corn field at night on the four wheeler and we rolled it. He managed to jump but I got my leg caught under it. Instead of calling my parents and then going to the hospital like we should have, he pulled the four wheeler off me and carried me to Jackson's truck. He went inside to get Jackson and lied to my parents telling them that we were going to a friends house for awhile, because he knew that if we really told them that we would have gotten in big trouble. I ended up with 16 stitches that night on my shin. I covered it up for a while but then we went swimming. That was when we were grounded for not telling them right away. And that was also the day that he asked me out on date, he had just gotten his license and felt like he was on top of the world." I smiled after I was finished with that part of the story. "I dated him for 3 years and I only ever slept with him once and that was in November a month before we broke up." I finished hoping that they won't ask why we broke up.

I looked around the circle everyone had confusion on their face except Kristen and I could tell she knew exactly what I didn't say, that nobody else got. She sadly smile and nodded to the rest of the group. Like she was trying to say I should tell them.

"Wait I am still confused on why you broke up," Laurel stated. Of course Laurel uses now to think with the alcohol on her brain.

I took a deep breath and told thm exactly why we broke up, "I started feeling sick so I went to the doctor in early december, she told me that, I was pregnant." I started to cry and Kristen came and just held me for awhile until I was ready to talk again.

"And thats why he left you? That son of a bitch!" Jackson was furious. "Wait but then what did you do cause you didn't have the baby," Jackson sighed.

I nodded as the tears came back again. "But how did Mom, Dad and I not notice you were pregnant?" Jackson questioned.

"I don't know I was never really hugely pregnant until like the eighth and ninth month. I wore a lot of t-shirts and stuff."

"Then what happened when you did become huge?"

"Remember when I told Mom and Dad that after Grandpa died 2 years before that, Grandma was really, really lonely especially since she was only 52 I think,"

"Yeah and in case your wondering how our Grandma is that young well, she was 16 when she had our dad, and dad was 16 when he had me, and then Lex would have been 16 at this point too." Jackson added.

"Well then when I stayed with grandma from March until June she was home schooling me too. But she also knew about the baby and helped me through it. Then in July when I supposedly was in Panama City with Ashley I had the baby. I stayed with grandma until August and then Ashley and I left for Panama City." I explained.

"Wait so did you give the baby up for adoption?" Ben asked reluctantly.

I shook my head then answered, "Jackson, when grandma told us she was going to adopt a baby how did you feel?"

"I was confused as to why, wait..........." he trailed off.

"I still have custody of the baby it just lives with Grandma because she 'adopted' it. Cause I didn't tell you nor did I have the money,"

"Then why haven't I met it yet?"

"Because grandma thought we should wait awhile until I don't burst into tears everytime I see the baby. I go and visit once every two weeks."

"Okay, you just keep saying it or baby but is it a boy or a girl and what is his or her name?" Juliet asked.

"It's a girl and her name is Blakelyn but we call her Blake." I smiled.

"Hey, thats my middle name I can tell we will be best friends already," Shane laughed.

"It is your middle name however her full name is Blakelyn Danielle Jackson. I have pictures if you want," They all nodded really fast. I pulled out my phone and found the picture of me sitting on hay bales in Grandma's barn looking severely pregnant. Then found the one of Blakelyn I had professionally taken of her sleeping.

"She is adorable Lex," Kristen hugged me.

"Thank you and just know I went through this all I can help you," I whispered in her ear.

"I should be thanking you for helping me, but I call dibs on godmother."

"Okay I will give you that one, and its not a problem I will try to help you like grandma helped me." I smiled.

"I am so proud of you Lex you did this all on your own with the help of grandma, my niece is adorable. But Adrian better hope I never see him again," Jackson handed me back my phone.

"Well when do we get to meet her?" Shane asked.

"You want to meet her?" I asked.

I got a chorus of 'yeah', 'duh', 'of course', and 'hell yeah' and them continued on.

"As soon as Jackson tells daddy he is a grandpa, I will call grandma and I will take you in small groups to meet her."

"Aww come on why do I have to tell him, she is your daughter,"

"Because he won't yell at you since its not your kid,"

"Fine but I am doing it in the morning cause I want to meet Blakelyn soon," Jackson huffed.

Eventually I assume we just fell asleep by the campfire cause when we woke in the morning Kristen was layng on my legs and I was on Jackson. I snuck away to call grandma before anyone else was up when I saw dad in the kitchen.

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