Chapter 33~ Night In the City

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After a day spent relaxing on the beach we decided to spend the night at a club. Since Kristen couldn't drink and Trey wouldn't drink we had 2 perfectly capable drivers so we could get wasted. I slipped on my tight black lace dress with 3/4 length sleeves that hid my sunburn perfectly. Yes, in the one day we are here I managed to burn my back and both shoulders.

Walking into the club was amazing, none of the clubs were this big or fancy back home. The music beat all the way through our bodies. I was really tired of following the rules by now of being responsible that I just wanted to forget for one night, one night. I found Shane dancing in the middle of the floor. I grabbed him and dragged his lazy ass over to the bar.

"Time for the shot off," I smirked at him.

"Oh its on," he ordered the first round of shots.

"Whats the shot off?" Trey asked.

"The shot off is something that Lex and Shane do almost everytime we drink, like a lot, they each take shots until they can't anymore and whoever drinks the most wins," Mason explained.

"Its so fricken awesome!" Laurel giggled. Yup. She was drunk.

"Lets go Harlem," I used Shane's last name.

After I took my sixth and Shane his fifth shot of tequila my throat burned, I was starting to my get dizzy and I could barely stand up. Shane had given up so I stopped before I was going to throw up. I tried to get up but my ankles gave out and just before I hit the floor I felt arms wrap around me and hold me up. I looked up to see Ben's piercing blue eyes staring black at me. He held my gaze before turning his head and helping me back to my feet.

(Kristen's POV )

"Okay lets get these drunks out of here," I told Trey while Lennox leaned against my baby bump. It is now 2 am and I am sick of my friends. They are really funny drunks but it has been two hours since Lennox and Shane had their shot off and neither one could stand. Laurel and Mason were dancing somewhere utterly wasted while Brandon and Juliet were sucking each others faces off. We had lost Ben and Jackson has been trying to pick the same girl up for an hour and she keeps rejecting him but he is obviously not getting it.

"Yeah, its probably going to take a while and they are driving me nuts," Trey nodded while holding Shane from tipping completely over. He swung Lennox over his shoulder and walked towards the car while she giggled poking his ass.

I dragged Juliet and Brandon to the back of the car while they continued to make out. I shoved Ben in with them cause he was trying my patience since we couldn't find him for 15 minutes. Laurel had gotten herself and Mason in the car without help which was surprising. I hit Jackson in the back of the head so he would cooperate and get in the car.

"Ow! What is with the violence women?" He yelled.

"If you would have listened you wouldn't be in this predicament would you?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he sighed defeatedly and trudged into the car beside Mason. Now the hard part Lex and Shane. Trey layed Lennox across Mason, Lauren and Jackson's lap, while I tried to keep Shane in the car. Clunk. Oops. Its not my fault the guy keeps falling out of the car. Thats the 4th time. I finally got him to stay put and hopped in the seat next to Trey. Half way through the drive back there was a loud thunk. I turned around to see that they had pushed Lex off their laps and onto the car floor. I rolled my eyes.

"Really guys?" Trey aggravatedly asked. "Why?"

"I don't know she was bothering so, oops she accidently fell on the floor." Mason shrugged. And Trey and I laughed as he said accidently and put air quotes around it like we couldn't tell he was being sarcastic.

We unloaded and made sure everyone was safely inside, locked the door and shut the windows. Mason, Laurel, Jackson, Brandon and Juliet were officially passed out while Ben was sitting in the corner doing who knows what.

"I love rainbows you know why?" Lennox asked while sitting down on the couch.

"Why Lex," Trey huffed.

"Because they aren't racist. They are all colors and they don't discriminate red from yellow from orange-" she explained.

"Yeah we get the colors Lex," I cut her off.

"Well I was just explaining no need to get snappy," she pouted.

I looked around to find one person missing. Shane.

"Oh shit," I muttered.

"What?" Trey asked.

"Who are we missing?" I asked.

"Shit!" He yelled.

"Thats what I said," We ran to the front door to find it unlocked and slightly opened. We stepped outside and relief washed over us as we saw Shane sitting on the porch with a plant in front of him. He didn't see me so I decided I would just watch him and be quiet.

I had to bite my lip and I kept sputtering when I saw him start to make out with the brown clay pot. Once he heard me laugh he turned towards me and started to blush.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed almost tipping over.

"I was-oh my don't tell anyone." He stuttered.

"Don't tell anyone you were kissing a pot? Seriously what beauty do you see in a pot?" Trey asked.

He gasped and placed both of his hands on he side of the pot pretending like it had ears, "Do not insult my girlfriend!"

Then he turned back to the pot and said, "Don't listen to the haters,"

"Shane if you do not put the plant back and get your ass back in house you are going to have a seriously pissed off pregnant lady. Now you don't want that do you?" I threatened.

He shook his head violently and placed the plant back in the holder. Then when he thought weren't listening he whispered, "I will be back for you in the morning sleep tight my love,"

Trey and I couldn't keep it in any more and we started to laugh hysterically at what just happened.

1 hour later

"Where the hell did these two puppies come from!" I yelled.

Shane and Lennox giggled in response. "Did you two seriously steal puppies?!?" Trey and I asked shocked.

"No," they laughed, "I just nicely put the brown boy puppy in my purse and Shane nicely put the black girl one in his jacket," Lennox answered.

"Oh my god they stole a Great Dane puppy and a Lab puppy," Trey shook his head.

"I am going to name you............" Lennox took awhile like she was actually thinking at this very moment when she clearly was not. "Scooby! Like Scooby dooby doo!" She exclaimed

"And I am going to name you Daphne, like the hot red hed on Scooby Doo!" Shane smiled at the puppy.


"Hello?" We heard from the other room and followed the noise. Who the hell is calling who? Shit, calling is not a good thing because they can accidentally call the police or worse yet their parents.

"Is this Minnie Mouse? I hope this is Minnie Mouse cause she is so hot and loves Mickey Mouse. And she comes on the TV on Saturday mornings at 8 am wait your Minnie so obviously you know when you are on. I am Mickey Mouse which means you love me and we are going to have baby mice and then we can name them Maggie, Max, Maddie, and Mallory. Get it all of our names would start with M," Ben explained talking into his cell phone.

"Do you think he really called someone?" I whispered to Trey.

"Lets see," he walked over and plucked the phone out of Ben's hand. "Nope just the lock screen," he laughed and showed me the phone.

"Hey! I was talking fo my wife give that back!" Ben whined.

"Okay I can't take it anymore, I am going to bed, night drunks," I said.

"Night," they all replied which surprised me none of them were offended by the drunk name, but whatever.

I drifted asleep in the room I shared with Jackson.

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