Chapter 12~ Put Me Down

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True to his word everyone that was not up, dressed (in a swimsuit), and had eaten breakfast by 9:30 got the blow horn and whistle blown in there faces. Of course the only 2 not up by that time were Shane and Mason. So there was a lot of colorful swearing when we went up there and blew the horn. Tenley complained the entire morning about how much Jordan snored and was always moving around. She said laughing that once she even got up and kicked him and pushed him off of the bed and onto the floor. He got up hit her and got back on the bed and fell back asleep. Then they both just fell on the floor laughing, they are something else!

Ben being the manipulator he was got everyone out by the campfire, drinking coffee or some of us started rum and coke already this morning to wake us up (me included). We said we would play our game of baseball/softball today and go swimming when we got to hot. Everyone agreed and we split into teams. The Gators vs the Bulldogs. Team Gator was Me, Tenley, Shane, Mason, and Jordan. Team Bulldog was Juliet, Laurel, Ashley, Asher and Ben.

They were going down.

We made our makeshift field and headed out to play. We were in the field first, Tenley threw the first pitch Asher swung, stike one. She threw a changeup and he was way ahead of it strike 2. The third pitch he was ready, he swung, and hit it in the air right to Mason, he caught it. One out. Ashley got up to the plate and lets just say she didn't stand a chance. Strike one, two, three, your out! Ben got up to bat and I could tell he was ready and was going to hit it deep. I took a step back and told Mason to do the same. Sure enough, Ben hits it high and out to the outfield. And Mason........... catches it. Three outs. The game when on like that for awhile. Back and forth between teams.

Then I got up to bat and Juliet was pitching. Shane was on third and Tenley was on first. First pitch was in the dirt. Second pitch I took a swing and hit a line drive in between third and short. I ran got past second base I kept running when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Hey no fair Ben!" I yelled. He chuckled and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He began to run the opposite way. Then I saw it. He was heading for the dock. I tried to fight him to make him put me down but it was no use. "Put me down!"

"Hang on." He yelled as he jumped off the end of the dock into the cool water.

We popped back up and I glared at him. Then I watched one by one as the rest of guys jumped off the dock with the rest of the girls over their shoulders. Everyone popped up and started to tread water. Mason swam over and dunked Ben under.

"Thats for the air horn this morning dude." Mason laughed

Ben came back up for air. Then it was on. Ben went under the water and stood up under me. I was on his shoulders and just like Mason had read his mind he went and scooped Laurel up on his shoulders. They headed over to us and Parker moved closer. I tried pushing Laurel with one arm but she caught it and pulled me almost making me fall but Ben shoved Mason and went towards him causing me to regain my balance. All of the sudden I caught something in the corner of my eye, Tenley on Jordan's shoulders, Juliet on Shane's and Ashley on Asher's. Ashley and Asher, Juliet and Shane joined Laurel and Mason. Tenley and Jordan joined our team and we were winning. Ashley fell the first time that Tenley pushed her, now all we had to do was off Juliet and Laurel and we would win. I shoved Juliet but lost my balance so Ben stumbled forward, to make sure I didn't fall. Tenley went behind Juliet and pulled her back and she screamed as she fell in the water. Now I pulled Laurel's leg whle she was distracted watching Juliet fall and she fell, but like a gentleman Mason caught her bridal style. She laughed and kissed him. After awhile of rubbing it in their faces that we won, we got out and layed on the dock next to each other, on towels. After for what felt like hours tanning, someone spoke up,

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