Chapter 21~ Telling

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I knocked on the door to Jordan's house, because Kristen was literally shaking. He promptly opened the door and stepped outside when he saw Kristen was crying and I was with her. His face dropped and he pulled her into his arms and she began to sob into his shirt.

"Whats wrong, Krist?" He asked seriously.

"I....... I'm p-pregnant." She said in between sobs. Jordan's arms went limp and he pulled away from her. He ran down the sidewalk jumped in his truck and drove away. Kristen began to cry harder, I pulled her close.

"Its okay, I will never leave you okay? I bet he just needs time to process that he is father. You just need to settle a little so that we can go tell, your parents. I will kick Jordan's ass later." I rubbed her back in circles as she began to calm down. I got Kristen back to the car and all situated. I drove her to her parents house where I let her out, but told her it might be better if she went alone. She agreed and I watched her as she timidly opened the door. Ten minutes later she was walking back out to the car with red eyes and tears steaming down her face.

"How did it go?" I asked as she stared straight forward and didn't make I contact.

"They kicked me out," she murmured. I couldn't believe them.

(Kristen's's POV )

I slowly opened the door to my house and called around for my parents. They both made their way to the kitchen and I started to shake.

"Are you cold Kristen?" Dad asked.

I shook my head and replied, "I have something to tell you. I am pregnant" I just blurted out.

"What?! How could you be so stupid Kristen?! First to sleep with someone in high school, and second that you didn't protect yourself?! Do you even know who the father is!?" He yelled

"It was an accident and the father is my boyfriend, Jordan."

"Get your stuff and go and don't come home Kristen." My mother said softly.

"I can't believe you guys, I am not suppose to lift anything so I will comeback this weekend and get my stuff."

"Fine. Just go."

I walked out of the house and back to the car. I was more angry than sad I didn't even cry. That was until I actually grabbed the door knob and looked back at my parents who had their arm crossed and were scowling. I felt the hot tears start streaming down my face and I quickly wiped them away when I got back in the passenger side door of the car.

"How did it go?" She asked genuinely concerned.

"They kicked me out," I stared straight out the window as she pulled out of the driveway.

(Lennox's POV )

We walked into the kitchen and dad was standing at the stove making something that I couldn't make out.

"Hey ah dad?"

"Hey..... whats up Lex, Kristen." he nodded his head and offered a smile.

"Well um Kristen's parents kicked her out because well she is pregnant." I blurted out.

"Way to be subtle." Krist mumbled under her breath.

"Whoa, okay so...... " Dad was confused.

"So... I was wondering if she could stay here." Kristen was surprised at my words I hadn't told her I was going to ask.

"Yeah, for sure, what about all her stuff?"

"Well we have to get it this weekend with some of the guys." I heard a car rolling down the driveway but turned back to the conversation without taking a look at them.

"Okay, well she can either stay in your room or in Jacksons room, whatever." Kristen nodded and thanked him. She and I shared a smile before I looked out my bedroom window to see a truck parked outside. I went downstairs and Nicki followed, I tore outside to see who it was. Outside there was a familar tall, muscular boy leaning up against his truck.

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