"It's not that...my parents know the reason for the question you asked me, I don't know but I realised something after I came back that proved to me that they knew something about this. They had refused to tell me saying they don't know anything. I also need answers... so please...let's go and ask them what you want to know. Please Yibo... believe me and don't make me go upstairs...I need to go to work tomorrow"

"Barry gē...make arrangements to leave soon.  Larry gē...get on it...hack her phone am the number that called Zhan gē in Guizhou....I need answers by tomorrow evening. Baba gē...get ready for you mission for tomorrow, make sure you spend only six day there and you must come back no matter what you find ok...? And tell the maids to prepare my clothes for work for these coming three days. Barry gē...the elevator must be installed in the west wing and south wing and not in the north wing...Zhan gē and I can use stairs. Tell the maids to prepare the room in the south wing for Zhan gē's parent, get some others for Zhan gē aswell, you can take my card and please also buy whatever you think would be necessary and even the food, take Mrs Anna with you to buy food cause she would know what to buy and how long it will last. We will be too busy this week so I suggest you get all thing done and stock as much food as possible. You can leave now, let's meet at the front entrance in twenty minutes.

About the cars...don't take the car that you usually take me to work with, change it and also take another one for when you take Zhan gē to work which has dark tinted windows. So we will use two cars and after three I will share a car with Zhan gē so that his parents can use the other one. Take the sticker out of the dark tinted windows,I don't want it to cause problems for Zhan gē. Okay....everything is covered I think...let's meet in twenty."

The three bodyguards went out and made all the necessary arrangements, Yibo went upstairs and packed his backpack. He didn't even bother looking back to see if Zhan was coming or not, Zhan wanted to go pack his backpack also but he was scared of following Yibo not knowing what might happen to him. He decided to out his fear aside and went ahead and followed Yibo up to his room. Yibo opened the door and unplugged his laptop from the office in the bedroom and also his phone charger and put them inside the bag. By the time Zhan reached up in the room...Yibo was busy sending emails on his phone sitting in his bed. He didn't know what to say to Yibo but he knew they had to talk so that they don't make things too awkward for them when they reach his home.

He still didn't know how he was going to convince his parents to leave their house and follow him to live together with Yibo. He was upset that the matter which his parents kept from him ended up being the reason for their fight when his parents should have came clean and told him everything before when he had first asked them. Even though he was angry...it didn't change the fact that he was still worried about them having to get into trouble or being forced to give him up in exchange for their lives. Zhan didn't know anything and he swore to get answers by the time they reach his home. But at that exact time...he had to talk to Yibo to calm him down because he had a right to get angry because he had saved him from a bad thing that was about to happen to him again.

He went inside and packed his backpack in silence while glancing back and forth at Yibo to see if he was maybe looking at him or not. He saw that Yibo was so busy with his phone and didn't even spare him a glance, he got upset while his mind was playing games with him, telling him that Yibo didn't care much for him after what he had said to him. He refused to believe it, he didn't want to feel the he had felt many years back when his girlfriend broke up with him. He felt unwanted and unimportant that he stopped taking care of himself. But at that time...Yibo meant a lot to him than anything he had ever imagined and he told himself that he would do whatever it takes to get Yibo's attention back to him. He went over to Yibo after packing the backpack and stood right infront of him and straddled his feet.

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