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14th of June
This day's probably in tune
I saw him on the hallway
I left all my thoughts astray

He's a beautiful scenery
A forbidden landscape I cannot stare directly
His name's a curse I cannot utter aimlessly
What I felt towards him feels like a mystery

I'm wondering if it's a love story
I think it's all just pure imagination in poetry

I'd love to think of all the possibility
A plot twist maybe
But I'm not that girl of unsure melody
I'd rather dwell in sad reality

I'm quite suspicious
A woman whom I dare not get envious
She's a catch
I've got this feeling that they're match

Everytime I see them
I can't help but to grim
I'd be happy to ship them
I just hate that I like him

I don't know
I hope that what I feel is just a show
That one day I'll wake up and let go
What's with him that makes my heart aglow

The truth is I don't want to see him anymore
'Coz everytime I do I swore-
I'm falling
Don't know who's I'm fooling

I don't want to feel this
I'd rather be in mess
Than fall for someone whom I can't address -
As my lover in bliss

I don't know
It's burning so slow
I wanna know
Though I find it shallow

"Show me some red flags
Show me you prefer hatred than hugs
Tell me you have a lover
I badly want to end this feeling sooner"

𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon