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One night I thought of having a journey
Maybe an adventure though it's kinda blurry
I want to travel to somewhere I'm not familiar
As I dreamt of vibrant flowers, balloons, butterflies and sunset — they're peculiar
The warm air feels so real as it touches my skin
The last time I smiled I can't remember when
My chest feels light and everything's just surreal
This genuine bliss is my ideal
I touched my lips with my fingers
Wondering if this smile's the same as the past years
Been faking smiles
Dealing with various styles
No one notices the signs
Been wonderin' for years in the void of sighs
But if you sneak into my eyes
It's where the truth all lies
A woman who's trying to be strong— oh welp
Drowning and crying and screaming for help
It's where the soul hides
It's where the real version resides
Behind all smiles and fierce eyes
A fragile girl whom scared but wise
Wanting to be comforted by someone
But backs off — trust's no one
Having a long list of  'what ifs'
Always with the atmosphere of sorrow and grief
Sometimes I'll just gonna lay in bed
Stare at the ceiling
Hoping for the day of healing
I'll lock myself in the bathroom
For a couple of hours my mind will roam
I'll spoil myself watching videos which I don't really like
To ignore the thoughts in my head that strikes
I have a lot of issues
No one knows it aside from my shoes
I'll look down and talk to the wind
Scared to people's stares  and the messages it send
I can't find any motivational quotes in my head
Struggling to cheer my self up but I commend—
Everyday feels exhausting
Sometimes all I feel is nothing
But I know I ain't losing hope for tomorrow
Rain will stop and maybe soon I'll see the rainbow

𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now