(Infinity War arc) Part 1

Start from the beginning

In Central Park, we see Tony in his new iron man suit being smacked through the bushes as a frantic Bruce Banner runs up to him.

Bruce: "Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? bad?"

Tony: "Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?"

Bruce: "I'm trying. He won't come out"

Their moment of rest was cut off as a large alien, named Black Dwarf arrives at the park. Throwing his hammer at Bruce.

Tony: "Hammer"

Tony then pushes Bruce out of the way before firing an energy beam that deflects off the alien's shield, slicing down trees.

Bruce then crawls out of one of the fallen trees as Tony continues to fight the alien, going on his knees before proceeding to smack himself across the face.

Bruce: "Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Hulk then appears, enlarging Bruce's face.

Hulk: "No!"

Hulk then disappears back into Banner, much to his dismay.

Bruce: "What do you mean, "no"?"

Back with Tony, he's seen being smacked back down by the Black Dwarf's hammer before he was about to be crushed by said hammer.

In a knick of time, Y/n manages to swoop in and catch the hammer before it could come down onto Tony.

Y/n: "Sup Tony! Long time no see"

Tony: "Y/n? Where'd you come from?"

Y/n: "Oh you know, just a self-reflective trip across the multi-VERSE!!!"

Y/n was snatched from the ground before getting tossed to the side, crashing through a fountain, which charges up his kinetic energy.

Y/n: "Hey!"

In retaliation, Y/n web-strikes over to the alien before punching it across the face, the built-up kinetic energy being expelled out, emitting a red shockwave and sending the alien flying across the park.

Tony; "What the heck was that?"

Y/n: "Fully Vibranium suit. You like it?"

Tony: "I mean, if it can do things like that. Then I'm all for it"

Y/n: "What's that guy's problem anyway?"

Tony; "Let's see, he's from space and they came to steal a necklace from a wizard"

Y/n: *groan* "Wizards...Wait, they?"

On cue, a crash occurs in the streets of Manhattan. Looking over, Y/n and Tony see a levitating alien carrying a person on a piece of levitating rubble.

Tony: "That's the wizard. Get on it"

Y/n: "What? Why me!?"


Y/n turns back to the alien he punched away, seeing it land back to the park with a menacing glare.

Y/n: "You made your point. Good luck, Tony!"

With no more objections, Y/n hurriedly follows after the alien. Leaving Tony alone to fend for himself.

In attempt to stop the alien, Y/n shoots a web to the rubble before connecting it to the side of a building.

Y/n: "Hey, Squidward!"

Y/n lands in front of the levitating alien, Ebony Maw, who scowls at Y/n's joke.

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