Chapter 9- I just want to help

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Draco POV-
It's been a while since y/n left to go to the bathroom.
I don't want to get worked up for nothing but I'm still worried. After everything thing that has happened. I'm concerned. I saw Pansy walking towards the table.
"Hey, pansy have you seen y/n?"
"Yes. Actually. They are in their room"
What. What happened?
"They said they felt exhausted and needed to lay down or something to be honest they did look exhausted."
They seemed fine when they left.
"No problem just passing on the message"
Pansy sat down at the table. We only had a few more minutes until lunch is over so we just sat there.
I'm worried.
They ate and left and looked perfectly fine. How do you look exhausted from going to the toilet?

I was snapped out of my thoughts because Blaise was calling me.
"Helloo? Are you alive?"
I turned to him.
"I am actually."
"What were you thinking?"
"That makes sense"

Soon I made my way to divination. I don't share this class with Y/n anyway but still. It would be nice to know they are ok.

The lesson was boring. As always. Somehow this lesson ended quickly and so did the day. Which was good.
And as soon as my last class ended I went straight to the Slytherin common rooms and went to y/n's room.
When I got there I knocked on the door softly and waited for a response.
"You can come in" I heard just barely. I opened the door to see y/n on the bed sitting up. Did they even sleep they still look exhausted.

I leaned against the bed frame and looked at y/n.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Well you left and then Pansy said that you weren't feeling well and were exhausted and went to your room to rest"
"Yeah...I felt dizzy and I wanted to just lay down."
"Right ok" That was a lie. Why are they lying to me?
Silence filled the room.

"I should let you sleep then"I broke the silence and stood straight.
"I'll wait in the common room for breakfast in the morning like always okay?"
I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.
Why did they lie?
Why don't they trust me?
I walked to the common rooms and I sat down on a couch.
I closed my eyes and put my hands on my face.
I sighed.
What's happening?
I want to help.
I heard footsteps and someone sat next to me. I looked up and I saw Blaise sitting next to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Is it that obvious something is bothering me?"
"Yeah...even since the incident you've been worrying a lot."
"I know but I can't help it they look so distant and distracted."
Blaise just nodded and just listened.
"I want to help but when I ask if they are alright they say yes I know they are lying but they won't tell me anything"
"Maybe you should give them some space?"
"I know but I can't help being worried."
"I know what you mean but give them some space and they might open up"
"I know y/n they won't talk I have to keep asking for them to finally tell me and the way things are going to going to be extremely difficult to do so"
Blaise moved his hands, placed them on my shoulders and made me face him.
"Listen...I want you to take a deep breath right now"
I looked at him and I took a deep breath. I need to get my thoughts together.
"There. Slow breaths. I want you to do something for me."
"I want you to go and sleep have a good rest and we can talk about this later after you've calmed your thoughts especially all that has happened. Okay?"
I nodded my head and Blaise took his hand off my shoulders
I stood up and made my way to my room before I did I turned to Blaise.
"Thank you"
Blaise smiled
"No problem."
I turned back around and made my way to my room and lay on my bed. I calmed my thoughts and took deep breaths like Blaise said to do and it helped. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep after calming down a bit

I wake up in the morning a bit earlier than usual and I get ready.
I walk out of the room and I sit down on a couch in the common room. I wasn't expecting y/n to be up by now so I just sat down. I heard footsteps.
Was it y/n?
I looked in that direction and I saw Blaise.
"Blaise? Why are you up so early?"
"Oh...I don't know I guess I woke up early for once and I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get up and get ready because I know you and y/n always wake up for breakfast"
"Oh okay"
Blaise sat down next to me.
"How are you feeling," he asks.
"Oh...I don't know better than yesterday but o wouldn't say I'm okay"

After a few minutes of silence, y/n walked in and scared Blaise as he was looking down and didnt see y/n walk in.
"Why are you up so early?" They ask.
Blaise jumped and explained why he was up so early.
As Blaise explained I noticed that y/n was wearing makeup. They never wear makeup only to parties and weddings and things like that. I didnt want to make them uncomfortable by asking but I want to know why but I won't ask. Not yet anyway.
"Let's go then," I said as I got up and made my way out of the common rooms.
Blaise followed and walked next to me and y/n followed behind.

We got to the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table.
As we sat down we started to eat. I saw y/n not eating after I took a few bites of my bagel.
"Aren't you going to eat y/n?"
"Oh. Yeah," they took a piece of toast and started eating slowly.
Blaise started to talk to me.
We talked and I would notice y/n taking small bites and after eating 1 piece of bread they didnt eat anything else.

When breakfast was nearly over Blaise asked y/n
"Is that all you are going to eat?"
"What do you mean?" They replied.
"I mean that one piece of bread isn't enough"
"I ate more you were just busy talking to Draco"
Blaise looked sceptical.
Liar. Why did they lie? One piece of bread was all they had.
Before we could say anything they got up and started to leave the hall.
We followed by.
We had defence against the dark arts.

When we got to the classroom the professor wasn't there so I sat down in my seat and waited for the professor. After a few minutes, the professor walked in and Tom followed.
As Tom walked into the classroom and sat next to Y/n I could see their worried face.

Throughout the lesson, y/n couldn't concentrate and kept looking around when the professor was talking about the topic. After a while, they asked to go to the bathroom which they never do.
I saw Tom's face as they walked out of the classroom.
He was smirking.
What the fuck did he do?
I'm going to beat the shit out of him if I find out he did something to y/n.

When y/n came back they looked exhausted.
When class ended they rushed out of the classroom and I didnt see them until lunch.
When I did see them at lunch they weren't eating. According to Mattheo they already ate when he came into the hall.
I didnt get to talk to y/n privately because every time I got to see them alone they left for their classes immediately.

After lunch I had arithmancy and y/n had herbology with Tom, Mattheo and Pansy.
I had arithmancy with Blaise. When I got to the classroom I sat down in my seat.
As the class went on I couldn't concentrate at all.
My thoughts were filled with questions about what the hell was happening to Y/n today.
Why were they wearing makeup?
Why are they so quiet?
Why are they so exhausted?
What is happening?
My thoughts were interrupted by the professor shouting my name.
"Draco Malfoy!"
I snapped my head up.
"Uhh...yes professor?"
"What is the answer to this question"
Shit. I wasn't paying attention.
"I...don't know"
"Ok, then you can give a 1000-word essay on how to answer this question. By next lesson" she said and carried on teaching.
The next lesson is about 2 days. I have so many other essays already.
I put my head on the table and groaned.
"Don't complain you did this to yourself." The professor snapped before continuing teaching.
I guess I'm pulling an all-nighter soon.

I lifted my head immediately when I heard someone shouting in the hallways.
I hope you beat him up well...Because he deserves it.
The next chapter is going to be very interesting. I'm going to love writing this chapter out.
This pic's different:

~1604 words~

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