Chapter 6- Quidditch

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Y/n POV-
I woke up the next day and surprisingly I didn't wake up in the middle of the night.
I still felt sick from yesterday but it was much, much better. I got up and made my way to the bathroom and got ready.
When I was done I saw Pansy still sleeping and I wondered what time it was.
It was still early for Pansy so I didnt wake her up.
I got my bag and I remembered today was the quidditch match. I got out of the room and made my way to the common rooms and I sat on one of the couches and waited for Draco.
After a while, Draco showed up.
"You're early how come?" Draco spoke as he walked towards you.
"Dunno just woke up early I guess" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Is Pansy still sleeping?"
"What do you think?"

"Correct dumbass"
"How rude.."
"Not rude, just you are a dumbass"
"Ok, then you're a smartass?"
"Hah! You wish"
"At least I'm smarter than you. That's all I need to know"
"I'm the one who-"
"Shut up you moron!"
Draco started to walk towards the roo. Out the Slytherin common rooms.
"Wait up! Don't leave me or I'll kill you!"

"I'm soo scared" Draco spoke sarcastically.
You walked up next to him and you both made your way out and to the great hall.
"You are a son of a bitch" you told Draco.
"Okay and what are you?"
"Again a smartass"
"No, you're stupid"
"Am not. I have better grades than you"
"Only by a bit!" Draco defended himself.
"Still smarter than you."
You both made your way into the hall and sat on the Slytherin table. After what happened yesterday you had an empty stomach and you couldn't wait to eat something.
"I'm starving!"

"How are you starving you never have an empty stomach which is amazing."
"I don't know just am" you lied. You're not sure how Draco would react if you told him what happened with Tom again especially after the whole situation of being called a 'whore'. If Draco found out he definitely would have beaten up Tom. (Although he does deserve it. Probably put some sense into him).

As you put some food on your plate you saw Tom walk into the hall and you caught him looking at you.
He smirked and sat down at the end of the table. As you saw him your mind kept coming back to what happened yesterday during dinner.

Y/n POV-
I watched him sit down and all I could remember when he smirked at me was what he told me.
'You need to lose weight
'Stop eating'
'What are going to do force it out'
I didnt notice but I was breathing very heavily.
I only knew when Draco kept tapping my shoulder.
"Y/n? Y/n!"
I snapped out of my thoughts and I looked at him.
"What happened? Are you okay?"

I couldn't say anything and when I looked down at my plate of food I felt sick.
I got up quickly and rushed out of the hall. As I did I could hear Draco calling me.
"Y/n! What's wrong?"
As I left I saw Draco grabbing mine and his bag and made his way to follow me.
I quickly rushed into that abandoned girls' bathroom and I locked myself in one of the stalls of the toilet. I sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall of the stalls. I wanna throw up but I know it is going to be stomach acid.
Fuck it.

I learned near the toilet and I threw up. I felt dizzy. When I finished I flushed the toilet and I leaned my head back onto the stall wall.
"Fuck" I mumbled.
I heard a knock on the entrance of the bathroom.
"Are you okay y/n?"
It was Draco. Shit. How am I supposed to explain this without him worrying?
I stood up barely without falling. I unlocked the door and made my way to the entrance.
I opened the door and I left the bathroom I saw Draco's concerned face.
"I need my water bottle" I mumbled trying to sound like I was fine.
"Right..." Draco put his bag down opened my bag grabbed my bottle and handed it to me.
I took it and opened and drank it quickly washing that horrible taste away.
Got that felt good.

After a few moments of silence, Draco spoke.
"What did Tom do?" He was annoyed. But how could I just say what happened just like that?
I shook my head.
"Can we just talk about this later?"
"And when is later y/n beacuse I'm 100% sure you are going to avoid this as much as possible"
"After the quidditch match"
"Y/n it looked like you got hit in the head! How are you going to play the match when you look like you are going to faint any second!"
"I'll be fine Draco"
"No, you won't"
"Listen if I feel like fainting I'll just stop playing and tell Mattheo the situation okay"
Draco looked sceptical about it but he nodded his head.
"...Fine lets go"

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