Windblume Poetry and Upcoming Danger

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Raelin and Mavisa arrived southwest of Cape Oath, where they saw Kamui standing in front of the Eagle's Temple.

''Kamui? What happened to the domain again?''

''Young Master.'' Kamui greeted. ''Like a few weeks ago, there has been signs of activity in the domain... The monster activity has been decreased further and the mechanisms in the domain has been tampered with this time.''

''Tempered with the mechanisms... How?''

''As you know there is a Pyro Elemental Node, which has been deactivated. The jungle-like domain now feels cooler than before as if whoever or whatever doesn't like heat. And the level of elemental energy has also changed. It is as if it has lowered.'' Kamui explained as they entered the domain.

''And Kamui found something more...'' Mavis added. ''He found a giant piece of skin as if a creature of some sorts has been shedding in the domain. If you ask me it looks like snakeskin.''

''Snakeskin? But the only snake creatures I've ever heard of are Orabashi and the Snake Sisters, but they are all dead. Maybe we should investigate the rest of domains.'' Raelin analyzed the situation.

''I agree, Young Master. I'll stay here and investigate further.''

''Be careful. Mavis you patrol around the city, in case someone decides to do some adventuring in domains. You know what to do.''


''Be careful you two. I'll join you after patrolling and I won't say anything to Jean until the festival is over. She and the Knights already have much work to do now, since they host The Windblume Festival celebrations.''

''Good idea, Rae. It's best not the stir up panic now.''

The next day

Raelin finished with her morning patrol and headed to the headquarters. When she entered the Grand Master's Office, she found Aether, Paimon, Venti and Kaeya inside.

''Ah, look what the cat dragged in!'' Venti said aloud.

''How was your patrol?'' Kaeya asked.

''Fine, the streets are lively as always during this time of year.''

''We were just about to hear Kaeya's love poem!'' Paimon informed enthusiastically.

''Great, then I'm just in time!''

 Venti cleared his throat and started reciting Kaeya's poem.

''Mi muhe ye

Means I love you

In the language of hilichurls.''

''Eh? Ehh?!'' Paimon tried to make sense of the poem.

''That's it.'' Venti finished.

''Coherent and to the point. Plus, the length seems about right.''  Kaeya explained his work.

''What?! Are you writing a Hilichurlian phrase book?!'' Paimon yelled at him.

''Where's the romance.'' Aether pushed the situation.

''I agree with Aether, but you get points for thinking outside the box.'' Raelin commented.

''Haha, a love poem had to convey the style of its author, you know?'' Kaeya defended himself.

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