The Fatui

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A/N - From now on I'm going to update two chapters every month (around the start and the end of the month) until I've released all chapters in Mondstadt arc. The arc also includes the Windblume Festival from 1.4

How my release schedule will look like after, depends on how many arcs I'm done writing by that time, since I also have another story to write.

The following night

It was still rainy when the group arrived at the tavern the following night, where they not only found Diluc, but also Jean. She was surprised as well.

''Wait, you're... Aether?'' Jean said surprised when she saw the traveler.


''Well, first I contacted more than one person. Secondly, she came here as 'Jean' herself, not as the Acting Grand Master.'' Diluc interfered and explained the confusion situation.

''What a surprise.'' Jean spoke.

''You're right, it is a pleasant surprise.'' someone said behind them.

Everyone except for Diluc were surprised by Raelin's presence.

''Raelin?! What are you doing here?'' Paimon asked.

''Diluc contacted me too. What is more surprised is that the Holy Lyre was stolen from the Cathedral.'' she said a little angrily, which only one certain individual in the room could detect.

Venti gulped at her statement. He never mentioned to her that he would try and see if the Holy Lyre could help Dvalin.

''Whoever got their hands on the Lyre, will have a good lecture from me.'' Venti knew that it was a message to him, which he sweat dropped at.

''Hello, Raelin. I heard about the Holy Lyre, but I never suspected it was you three.'' Jean commented on Venti's plan.

''You know, you guys could just have asked me to retrieve the lyre from the Cathedral and no would be on wanted posters now.'' Raelin bluntly stated.

''Eeehhh! Really?!'' Paimon shrieked in surprise. ''You're right! You did say that the Anemo God took you under his wings and that you lived in Mondstadt for many many years.''

''Heh-heh. That didn't cross my mind...'' Venti murmured.

''But how would you be able to do that?'' Aether asked wanting to know how.

''Well, I could just have explained the situation and asked nicely.''

''She might be right. Raelin is well-respected in Mondstadt. So she might would have been able to pull it off. without the formalities.'' Diluc added.

''So you would just misuse your powers, huh?'' Paimon asked in disbelief.

''Wha?! Not misuse... More like... make use of...'' Raelin tried to defend herself.

''Anyway, so, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal...'' Jean changed the subject. ''Is that true?''

''That's right! Aether is putting himself on the front line to try and resolve this Stormterror issue.'' Venti exclaimed.

''I believe you. If Dvalin was poisoned all those years ago and then corrupted by the Abyss Mage - we can't really blame it.'' Jean spoke genuinely.

 ''Neither Jean, as the Acting Grand Master nor I can make this statement because of the Fatui.'' Raelin added further.

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