" No... yes? Im not sure." I said.

" That's ok." she said. " Do you get anxious a lot?"

" I would say that." i said while nodding.

" Have you had an anxiety and or panic attack?" She asked.

" I've had multiple panic attacks." I shivered at the thought of them.

" Ok. Do you have any compulsive behaviors when your nervous?" She asked, her eyes burning into me.

" Not that I know of." i said after long thought.

" Whats your name?" She said, turning to Troye.

" Oh um Troye." He muttered.

" Troye, sometimes people with compulsive behaviors don't notice that something has taken hold of them or they think they have it under control. Have you noticed anything Connor has been doing a lot?" She asked.

" He's been cleaning a lot lately." He said, almost confused as if he was allowed to say this.

" Can you elaborate?" She asked.

" Dusting, polishing, separating by color, size, number. Any type of cleaning he's done." He said looking at me.

" Ok connor. Do you ever get stage fright?" She asked, coming back at me.

" Yeah, sometimes." I said.

" Do you get shaky or your hands or feet get tingly when your about to have a panic attack?" She said, starting to type.

" Yes." I said, getting uncomfortable.

" Last question. Does your speech alter or mess up when you talk?" She asked.

" I stutter when I'm nervous." I spoke with a closing throat.

" Ok, I'll be back in a couple minutes." She talked as she got up and closed the door.

I sat in silence, starring at the wall aimlessly. i felt troye look over at me but i didn't want him to see me so stressed. Doctor warren walked back and sat down without a word. Thats a good sign.....

" Connor, You have contamination OCD and Social anxiety. I will set up an appointment with the best psychologist i know. I will give medicines to help control, but not cure your OCD and anxiety." She said handing me 2 slips of paper.

" Troye, You need watch Connor. If you think something is taking a step back in this process, call this number." She said, handing him a smaller slip of paper." Its mine."

" Any questions?" She asked.

" No." I said on the verge of tears.

" Ok then. You are free to go." She said cheerfully.

We walked out to the car and stayed quiet the whole trip home.

{}{}{ Troye's pov}{}}{}

" Connor, we need to talk about this!" I called as he fled to the kitchen.

" No we dont!" He yelled.

" Connor, you need to let out your frustration." I said, grabbing his hand.

" Im not frustrated." He said, putting on a clearly fake smile.

" You arent a little sad, angry, or dissapointed?" I asked.

" Why me?! Huh?! What made me such a bad person that i deserved this? Not one but 2 mental Diseases!" He screamed, his face getting red.

"You know, I've met a lot of strong people in my life. Not one of them have had an easy life. You just happen to be the strongest." I said, hitting my index finger against his nose.

" Its just not fair." He whimpered.

I wrapped him in my arms and swayed back and forth till i got the words to say.

" I know" I said before kissing him.", but we'll get through it together."

_______________________________________________ authors note____________

Hi guys! I wanted to thank you guys for 3,000 reads on this book! Thank you so much!

Anyways, i would like to do so promo for DaniSivan. She has such a writing technique and shes literally so sweet and nice. She helped make major decisions for this book and her book ' Adopted By Tronnor' is incredible. Im addicted and im dissapointed it only has 1k. i deserves much more. please check it out. you wont regret it.

Love you my smilies!

Xoxo, Morgan.

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