9 ╰┈➤ finding cute baby clothes

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october 15, 2022

ever since joe has found out that baby burrow is a girl, he has been over the moon excited about it. at first, he really wanted a boy because he wanted to have a mini joe burrow running around the house. but now, he absolutely loves the idea of him being a girl dad. joe is always showing off the newest ultrasound picture of baby b inside the locker room. it feels like he finally embraced the feeling of being a soon-to-be dad.

another thing that joe has been doing recently that isabella finds absolutely adorable is that every time joe and isabella walk into any store, joe always makes sure that they leave with at least one item of baby clothing. today joe has off, so isabella plans on spending the day with joe.

"hey joe" isabella smiles as she walks into the kitchen, where joe is sitting at the kitchen island scrolling through his phone.

"hi, beautiful girl" joe looks up from his phone and looks up at isabella with a ton of love in his eyes.

"do you want to walk around target with me?" she asks.

"only if you get me starbucks" he teases. "i'm just kidding angel, i would love too"

"yay" she squeals with excitement.

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after wandering around target, isabella and joe somehow find themselves yet again in the baby aisle. "awww, izzie look at this one" joe picks up an orange onesie that has smiley faces on it.

"she needs this one. it's a perfect match to my bengals uniform" he continues.

"j, it won't fit her until she's 8 months old" she chuckles.

"but it is so stinking cute" he pouts.

"fine, you can get it" isabella caves in. "it will look so cute on her"

"yes!" joe celebrates.

they continue to slowly walk through each aisle of the baby section. "oh my goodness" he says.

"you love watermelon and there is a watermelon on this onesie" he explains.

"add it to the cart," she says, as she finally just learns to let joe get whatever baby clothing items he wants.

they walk hand in hand as they admire all the cute baby outfits before one catches isabella's eye. "joe, this one has your name written all over it" she smiles as she pulls the onesie off of the shelf and shows it to joe. the onesie isabella picked out is covered in footballs.

"our daughter is going to learn how to love football," joe says as he takes it out of isabella's hands and puts it in the cart.

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after leaving target with many more baby clothes than they expected on buying, joe places his hand on isabella's thigh as he continues to drive home. "i am so freaking excited to be a dad" joe admits.

"i'm excited to be a mom" isabella leans in and places a soft kiss on joe's lips. "i'm excited we get to be parents together"

"our baby girl is going to be so fucking loved" he smiles.

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