Part of me expected this would happen. Wesley is bipolar so this type of behaviour is expected from him. He becomes very unhinged when he's not on his meds. But what really threw me for a loop was Ayesha working with him. For a second there, I thought I was crazy for accusing Ayesh all this time but clearly this is the confirmation I wanted. Always trust your intuition, people.

Now we're in the kitchen. Wes and Ayesha have been forcing me to eat for the past 15 minutes. I completely lost my appetite. A lot has happened in the past 12 hours so food was the last thing on my mind.

"Cmon! You have to eat something." Wesley whined once again. "Do you want that thing inside you to die?"

Did he just call my child-

"You're so disgusting! Do you not feel guilty, like at all? You're trying to kidnap a pregnant woman. Have some fucking sympathy!" I yelled, feeling frustrated.

"Sympathy?" He scowled. "You didn't show me any sympathy when you served me with divorce papers. You didn't show Steph's kids any sympathy when you broke up their family, and you damn sure ain't show Ayesha no sympathy when you fucked her husband and got pregnant by him. So why should I feel sorry for you? The way I see it, this is your karma. You deserve every fucking thing that's happening to you right now!" Wesley exclaimed, the hatred in his eyes becoming more intense.

"Fuck you! Crazy bastard!" I replied angrily. Then I felt a hard slap across the side of my face which almost knocked me off the chair. A stray tear rolled down my face with how hard he just hit me. I hope that didn't leave a mark.

In all of the years I've known Wesley, he never showed any aggression towards me so this caught me by surprise.

I felt a light cramp again, causing me to instinctively rub my belly.

"Welsey, chill." Ayesha intervened and pushed Wesley away from me. He was fuming at this point.

"Don't call me that. I'm not crazy. I'm not fucking crazy." He muttered repeatedly to himself.

"Why don't you go call the pilot and check on how the plane is coming along. Calm down, please." Ayesha suggests while rubbing his arm. Wesley seemed to relax at her touch and I wanted to throw up right there.

Bonding over common psychotic behaviour is fucking insane.

"Okay, Alani. I understand that you're going through a lot right now but I need you to watch what you say. Don't let him get to you." Ayesha whispered when Wesley was out of earshot. I appreciate how she's trying to help me but I won't forget the part she played in ruining my life. Wardell and I could've been together if it wasn't for her crazy ass.

"He was pushing my buttons." I replied.

Wesley stood in the living room, barking orders at whoever he was talking to on the other end of the phone.

"Please eat something." Ayesha begged once again.

"Only if you cook me something." I negotiated. What? I don't like her but you know she be throwing down in the kitchen.

"Fine." Ayesha smiled faintly before starting breakfast. A few seconds later she left the kitchen and came back with a notebook and pencil.

"I want you to write a letter. Tell your family everything you'd want them to know if Wesley actually takes you out of the country. Like you're saying goodbye to the people you love." Ayesha explained.

"But you said you'd help me escape from here."

"And I will. This is just a backup. In case our plan fails." Ayesha said, easing my growing anxiety.

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