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Wardell Stephen Curry.
Oakland, CA.

After leaving Alani's house I needed to blow of some steam. She's the only person who has the power to anger me like this.

I sped off in the direction of the nearest bar to unwind for a minute. The kids were with Ayesha's mom so I had the night off.

The ambiance at the Ruby Room bar was pretty chill. Not too many people are in here. I sat in the far corner with my snapback covering my face. I didn't need any fans coming up to me asking for pictures especially not with the mood I'm in right now. The pink LED lights also helped me conceal my identity a bit.

The barman kept the drinks coming per my request. I went to scroll on Twitter until the 20% notification flashed across my screen, making me curse myself. I guess today just isn't my day.

Thoughts about what happened earlier with Alani kept running through my mind. I'm tired of fighting to keep us together when all she does is make excuses as to why we can't be together. We've had numerous opportunities but she always finds a reason why we shouldn't. When Ayesha and I got divorced, she rejected me to be with Klay. And now when we're both completely single, she left me in the name of healing. I don't fuck with this therapy shit. Basketball is my therapy. Whatever issue we have, we can easily work through together, as a couple.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a presence beside me.

"I thought I recognised you Mr. Curry." The soft feminine voice said.

I thought I disguised myself pretty well but I guess not.

"I'm guessing you want to be left alone." She leaned in and touched my arm, sending shockwaves through my body. It's safe to say the alcohol was doing it's thing. I glanced up at the mysterious woman then realised her identity wasn't a mystery anymore.

"Yo, aren't you Alani's assistant, Alyssa?" I asked. I knew she looked familiar.

"Yes, that's me." She smiled brightly while batting her long lashes. "But forget all that. You look lonely over here, I thought you might want some company."

Yeah, that was kind of the point. To be alone with my feelings. But I won't tell her that. Can't be rude to a lady.

"I can leave if you want." Alyssa said abruptly while seductively staring at me with those eyes. I'm not stupid, I know exactly what her intentions are. It wouldn't hurt to speak to woman who isn't expecting anything from me.

"It's cool, you can stay. And call me Stephen, by the way."

Alyssa smiled widely once again and ordered us another round of drinks. Conversation was flowing freely. I appreciated that she didn't force me into explaining why I was in this mood. It seemed the drunker I got, the sexier she became. The short red dress she had on wasn't helping either.

I flinched once again when I felt her small hand run up my thigh.

"Let's get out of here." She whispered into my ear.

I'm not sure if it was the alcohol, but I found myself stumbling back to my car with Alyssa holding on onto me so I don't fall.

Fuck it. I guess I'll be taking my frustration out on her tonight.

Alani Marie Castillo.
Oakland, CA.

I woke up the next morning hoping what happened last night was just a bad dream but I was greatly disappointed when Wesley woke me up earlier.

Wesley and Ayesha dragged me downstairs for breakfast which I obviously objected to.

Not to mention the baby decided to play basketball in my ribs today. Safe to say I didn't get much sleep either.

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