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Alani Marie Castillo.
Oakland, CA.

"Can you walk any slower?" My sister, Camilla mutters from behind me.

We just finished up shopping for my store opening party tomorrow. My mom is in town as well as my sister, her husband Terrence and their kids Cameron and Kross.

"Momma, get your daughter." I open the door and moved aside so Camila's impatient self can go inside.

"Aunty Lani, can I have some ice cream?" 3 year old Kross tugged on the bottom of my pants, giving me those puppy dog eyes I couldn't say no to.

"Kross Jenkins, I said you could have ice cream after lunch. That doesn't mean go ask your Aunty." Camila said appearing behind us with a blank expression.

How the hell did she hear us? Mommy senses must've been tingling, I swear.

"You heard your mommy, Kross. We'll have some later, okay." I winked at Kross as he ran to get his iPad.

"Mom, what's for lunch?" Cameron asked while opening my fridge to scan its contents.

"I don't know yet, Cam. I could whip up some Mac n cheese real quick." Camila replied.

"Can we go to Nobu instead." He asked.

"Boy, what you about Nobu?" I eyed Cam who had a mischievous grin on his face.

I swear this boy was a baby like 2 days ago. Now my nephew's turning 9 years old and asking to go to Nobu.

"Cameron Terrence Jenkins, do you have Nobu money?" Camila drew her head back while getting the ingredients out to make the Mac n cheese.

"No," Cam shakes his head.

"But I have Nobu money." I announced making Cam's eyes light up.

"Alani, stop spoiling my kids." Terrence walked into the kitchen carrying the floral arrangements for tomorrow.

"I mean, I am the rich Aunty. It's kinda of my job." I shrugged.

"Absolutely not! We're having Mac n cheese. And that's final. Cameron, go to the room and play with your brother." Camila dismissed him.

"But mom, Kross doesn't know how to play-" Camila cut him off by giving him that stern Mom face making him scurry upstairs.

"I love that kid." I snickered, making Camila pinch me.

"You look much happier now, Marie. Are you enjoying Oakland that much?" My mother eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm just excited about tomorrow."

"Yeah, right." Camila rolled her eyes. "That glow has a nigga written all over it."

"Watch that word, Cammy." My mother warningly points a finger at her.

"I'm at peace right now, surprisingly." I shrug. "I'm enjoying my new life, despite what I'm going through with Wesley."

"I still can't believe you did that." My mom shakes her head.

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