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Ayesha Disa Curry.
Los Angeles, CA.

"Have you been on social media at all?" My mom asked, looking concerned as she stared down at her phone.

I shook my head no. I just put Canon down for his afternoon nap. Filming this show is exhausting but cooking is my passion so I'll have to thug it out.

"You might wanna see this."

My mom handed me her phone and the article showed pictures of Stephen and Alani at her party last night.

'NBA star Stephen Curry and Alani Castillo friendship timeline' the article reads. It showed pictures of them in high school and throughout college. Where'd they even find those photos?

"Isn't this the same girl you always complained about in college?" My mom, Carol asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"And you're okay with her being around your husband?"

"Yes, mom. I trust Stephen." I said sternly. "I don't care if he hangs out with her, I just don't want it to be like college all over again. Like, Steph showing up for her more than his actual girlfriend. There are certain boundaries she won't cross. I'm his wife now and she needs to understand that."

"I don't know how to feel about this, sweetie. Just make sure to keep a close eye on her. Women like that are trouble." My mom advised.

I know Alani and I aren't that close but I'm sure she wouldn't try to come in between my marriage. Stephen and I have 3 beautiful children, both of our careers are doing good. I'd be damned if I let anyone get between that.

Speaking of Stephen, he didn't even call me back last night. He must've forgot. I know it's hard for him not to have me there with him but I had to be selfish just this one time.

I'm tired of living in his shadow.

I decided to pick up my phone and call Stephen. I missed the girls a little extra today.

The phone rang for a while until I saw him press decline. I called again and this time it went straight to voicemail.


He was being petty at this point. He can't be that mad at me. In fact, he should be happy I'm a career driven woman and not just leeching off his money.

"Is everything okay?" My mom noticed my mood change.

"Steph's not picking up his phone."

"Did y'all have a fight or what?"

I shook my head. "He's a little upset that I'm here and not with him in the Bay."

"Just give him some space, I'm sure he'll come around."

I just nodded and started doing my hair.

"Everything was okay between you two before this Alani person showed up." She noted.

"Mom, don't start." I warned.

I fully trust my husband. He'd be dumb to mess up what we've built.

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