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Oakland, California.

Ayesha spent the morning thinking of ways to save Alani from Wesley's sick plan. Sure, she was guilty of helping him construct the plan in the first place, but now she was having second thoughts. After witnessing how dark Wes' obsession with Alani has gotten, Ayesha slowly started to realise that she didn't want to end up like him and the best option was to seek professional help before she got to that point. She thought Wesley would understand and let her go but clearly he hasn't.

"Ayesha!" Wesley yelled as he yanked the bedroom door open, startling her.

"I'm awake." Ayesha replied shakily. Throughout the months they've worked together, Wesley never showed any aggression towards her. Until now.

"Good. I broke the lease so we have to be out of here by today. I was tracking Alani last night. I tapped her phone and saw she cancelled plans with Tiana so she should be at home by herself all day today. Steph also hasn't been texting her back. We have to get this done pronto." Wesley urges as he begins to pack his belongings. "This is our only opportunity."

"Wesley, I don't think it's safe for her to get on a plane this far along in her pregnancy. You should wait until she gives birth." Ayesha suggested.

"No! We're doing this today!" He said sternly. "You're not changing my mind."

"Wesley, please." Ayesha pleaded. "Think about it for a second. The baby is innocent, please."

Wesley laughed at Ayesha's sudden change of heart. Just a few weeks ago she was set on wanting Alani out of Steph's life and now she's changing her mind.

"Since when do you care about her or her baby? This woman is having a baby with your husband. She destroyed your family. I thought this is what you wanted." He said, eyeing Ayesha intensely.

"Wanted. Past tense." She replied, making Wesley roll his eyes.

"Like I said, Alani and Stephen broke up. He told me that himself. It's over, we got what we wanted!"

Wesley scoffed. "Those two are way too obsessed with each other. They'll back together in less than two weeks. If Lani and I move out of the country, that for sure won't happen. There will be no Steph Curry's in the Cayman Islands to steal her away from me." He explained. "If you do this, you don't have to worry about her ever again. You and Steph can even get back together."

Ayesha shook her head at the thought. She had no desire to get back with Stephen anymore. Clearly he has eyes for someone else and she'd be fooling herself by staying with a man who didn't love her. Ayesha just wished she realised this sooner.

"And what if I don't want to do this?" She asked.

"I'll kill you, as simple as that." He said devilishly.

At this point, Ayesha was frozen in her tracks. She really has no choice now. She watched as Wes packed all sorts of pills and syringes into a small duffel bag.

"What is that?"

"Novacane." He said nonchalantly.

That's what dentists use when... Oh fuck no, Ayesha thought.

"For in case Alani doesn't cooperate." Wesley added. "Alright, so, as you already know, Alani lives in a gated community and security is tight. You'll pull up and say you're there to drop something off for Stephen..."

Alani Marie Castillo.
Oakland, CA.

I'm 36 weeks today. My doctor told me baby Raelyn could come at anytime so I was prepared. Hospital bags and everything packed. I'm excited but also nervous because I'm getting closer to actually being a mother. In just a few short weeks I'll get to hold my baby girl in my arms.

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