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Wardell Stephen Curry.
Oakland, CA.

Today is finally Alani's baby shower day. I'm excited to prove her wrong because I just have a feeling it's a baby girl. My family's genes are pretty strong, her dad has 2 daughters and you know the man determines the gender. That's essentially why I threw a pink sweater on today.

This is an intimate event with only 50 guest invited I think. I have a surprise for Alani but I can only give it to her when we're in private.

And no, it's not what you think.

As I was getting ready to leave, of course Ayesha stopped to ask me where I was going.

"Out." I told her and got my phone out because I knew what was coming next.

"Why are you always so cold with me?" She asks with a confused look on her face. "After all I did to keep our marriage afloat."

"What you did was manipulate me. You weren't keeping shit afloat! That only made me more repulsed by you."

Ayesha shakes her head and looks at the ground.

"What did you think was gonna happen?" I raised an eyebrow. "Did you think I was gonna love you the same after seeing how evil you could get? I only chose you so I could keep my relationship with my kids. You know I'm still in love with Alani."

"She's with Klay now! And she's having his baby. Do you really think you're gonna come between that?" She asks, and I almost wanted to laugh but that would just give away the fact that I'm the father and not Klay. I need to protect Alani at all costs.

"We've probably loved each since we were kids, do you really think Klay is coming between that?" I revert the question back to her.

"So you didn't stop seeing her?" She questioned. "You don't learn, do you?" She stepped closer to me.

"And what are you gonna do?" I inched closer.

"I'll pack all our shit up and y'all never see me or the kids ever again, Stephen. Don't try me!" She raised her voice.

"You think you're so smart, don't you?" I chuckled to myself.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ish, you aren't the only person who can make threats around here." I smirk and showed her my phone screen and her eyes widened.

"You were recording our conversation this entire time?"

Got her ass.

"Now, when I get home tonight I expect Riley, Ryan and Canon to be sleeping soundly in their bedrooms or I'm taking this recording to my lawyers who will then turn it in to the police. Nah fuck that, I'll post the damn audio to the internet and expose you. That reputation you care about so much will be ruined." I warned. Ayesha stood there speechless.

"You won't actually do it." She grinned.

"Try me." I winked as I walked away from her feeling accomplished.

Two can play this manipulation game.

Later on.

I finally pulled up to the shower. Alani, Camila and her mom were at Tiana's house getting ready because the shower is hosted in Alani's backyard and Gia didn't want the surprise to be ruined.

Speaking of Gia, she has us waiting on the front porch while they finish setting up since we don't know the gender either.

"Man, when can we go inside? I'm hungry as fuck." Draymond complained and rubbed his stomach.

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