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Alani Castillo- Graham
Oakland, CA.

I started my day off in the gym as usual. I've definitely been taking my fitness journey seriously since getting older. I walked out of the gym and wiped the sweat off my body. I need a shower.

I grabbed my phone and decided to play some music while I get ready for the day. My phone dinged and it was a notification letting me know my period was late.

As much as I would love to be a mom, I just don't see myself having Wesley's kids.

God, please don't do this to me right now.

I placed my phone down and went ahead and completed my regular hygiene routine. When I got out, I did my hair and put on some makeup. Today was the final day of construction before the store opens so I had to hurry and plan this launch party.

I went downstairs and made a quick breakfast before heading out to the office. I called my mother and let her know that I needed help with planning this party.

"Why didn't you say something sooner, Alani? I have a church retreat scheduled." She quizzes.

"I've been too busy with moving and keeping up with all the store renovations. Plus the whole thing with Wesley is stressing me out." I tell her. "It's fine mom, Camila agreed to help me."

"If you hired an assistant like I told you to then you wouldn't have this problem but you love doing things by yourself, don't you?" My mom says, making me roll my eyes. She wasn't wrong though, it's always better when you do it yourself, no time for mishaps.

"Maybe I will hire someone. I could use the help." I shrug.

"How's Oakland? Are you liking it there without Wesley?" She asks.

"Mom, don't start." I stop her before she gets going on how perfect Wes is for me.

"What? You know how I feel about this whole divorce thing, Alani Marie." She sighs. "I don't understand why you're giving up on this marriage. He's so good to you."

"Mom, you know I'm not in love with him and I can't force myself to be either."

"And who are you in love with? Wardell Curry? Well guess what? He moved on with his life and I'm sure he isn't waiting for you! Alani, you need to grow up and realise what you and that young man had is over." She says. I know everyone is tired of hearing how much I miss him but your heart can't help who it wants.

"Sweetheart, I know you really loved him but Stephen doesn't belong to you anymore. I'm sure he'd want you to be happy."

"I'm not waiting for Wardell, mom. I just can't keep pretending to be in love with Wes when I'm not. It's hurts me more than anything. I'm holding him back from experiencing what true love is."

"Well have you seen him?" She asks. "Have you seen Wardell?"

"Yes, mom. I've seen him."

"Alani, I swear-"

"Mom, it wasn't even like that. One of my friends knows his wife and we happened to run into each other. We just said hi and went our separate ways. I'm not like that okay?" I shut her down, knowing where the conversation was headed. For some reason, my mom thinks I'll wreck Wardell's marriage or something. I don't know how many times I've had to convince her otherwise. I wasn't that crazy over him.

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