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Alani Marie Castillo.
Oakland, CA.

Wardell and I stood speechless, neither of us knowing what to say to Sydel.

"You're pregnant with Stephen's baby?" Sydel rubbed her temples. "I defended you! I vouched for you! I was there for you and this is how you repay me? By destroying my family?"

I didn't know what to say. There's really no way I can talk myself out of this situation.

"And you? You're cheating on Ayesha! You have a family and you're throwing it away for this!" She looks at him with a disappointed expression.

"Okay, I get that you're in shock or whatever but you won't disrespect me in my own house!" I warned. Sydel and I get along great but that doesn't mean she's allowed to come at me like this. That last part was unnecessary.

Sydel huffs then turns to leave but Wardell grabs her arm and stops her. "Syd, chill! Let me explain." He locks the door and pulls her towards the bed to sit down.

I stood in the same spot with my hand on my hip, waiting for this to be over.

"What could you possibly say to make this situation any better?" She asks. I understand her frustration, Syd and Ayesha are really close. I don't know how I would feel if I found out Camila was cheating on Terrence.

"Look, Alani is pregnant with my baby. I've been trying to leave Ayesha for months now. She went as far as threatening to take the kids away if I divorce her." Wardell explained.

"You're crazy if you think I believe that." Sydel rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"You will now." He pulled his phone out and played a recording. Both Sydel and I gasp at Ayesha's vulgar words.

"What the hell?" Tears started rolling down Sydel's face.

"She's not as innocent as you think."

"But you didn't have to cheat on her, Stephen."

"I know that. I'm not in love with her anymore, Syd. You have to understand. I can't be in this relationship anymore."

"Why don't you ever tell me these things? Why didn't you talk to anybody? Does Seth know?" She asks. "We could've helped."

"He doesn't know." Wardell replied. "Nobody knows really. I'm just waiting for the right moment to tell everyone."

My head started pounding at the thought of what Sonya's gonna do when she finds out.

"What do I do in the meantime?" Sydel asks.

"You keep your mouth shut! There's like 5 people who know Wardell is my baby daddy." I said sternly. "And be happy that you have a new niece on the way."

"Don't call me your baby daddy ever again." Wardell visibly cringed.

"What are you then?"

"The father of your child." He argued.

"Focus, Wardell!" I stopped his banter and turned to Sydel who still had the same expression on her face.

"I'm not saying what y'all did was right but y'all could've handled this differently. You didn't have to go behind everyone's backs." Sydel advised.

"We kinda had to. This situation is hella complicated. Not everyone is going to understand. Much less your mother." I replied. And that was true. Nobody hates me more than Sonya. She won't even try to understand anything.

"I'll handle my mom when the time is right. Let's focus on bringing a healthy baby girl into the world." Wardell chimed in.

"I always wanted you to be my sister in law but I wasn't expecting it to be like this." Sydel chuckled. "But it's cool, I guess."

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