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New Beginnings

Coco and I arrived at my parents' house for Sunday dinner, anxious and excited about what the day may bring. We had been looking forward to this and even though the day was slightly overcast, the anticipation of an enjoyable day made it seem much brighter. The house my parents owned was stunning, boasting 10 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. It was kept for sentimental reasons, just as my parents kept the old cherry wood dining table and chairs that had been in the family for generations.

When we arrived, I could already smell the delicious aromas coming from the kitchen. My mother had been cooking for hours and the entire house was filled with the delicious smells of her traditional Greek Sunday dinner. We knocked on the door and my mother answered. She warmly hugged us both and welcomed us into the house with open arms.

She was wearing her favorite apron and had her hair pulled back in a tight bun. She had kind eyes and a gentle smile that made you feel at ease. Despite her reservations about interracial relationships, she was glad to see me finally content. I have to give her credit for that effort. My father was already in the living room, reading the newspaper and sipping on a cup of coffee.

He, too, welcomed us with a big hug and a warm smile. The living room was filled with all kinds of knick—knacks and antique pieces. My grandmother's old quilt lay across the back of the couch. There were several watercolor paintings my mother had done of the local scenery on the walls.

We passed through the living room and into the dining room. The large cherry wood table was set with the best dishes and silverware. The china cabinet was full of crystal and silver pieces. In the room's corner, there was a small table with a bowl of fresh fruit, a jar of pickles, and a basket of freshly baked rolls. My mother brought some dishes out of the kitchen and my father filled the glasses with ice and iced tea. We all seated ourselves and my mother said a blessing before dinner.

The conversation flowed and the food was delicious. My mother served up a feast of sliced roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, hot biscuits, and coleslaw. We all took our seats around the dinner table, my two brothers Niles and Theo were among the ones sitting at the dinner table, along with my uncle and his wife Bessy.

After the prayers were said, everyone began filling their plates with food. Coco glanced at me with a grin on her face. My mother cleared her throat and questioned Coco."Tell us, Coco, how did you two meet?" my mother asked with genuine interest.

Coco smiled and told the story of how we met at my club Starlight when it was opened. She spoke animatedly, bringing the scene to life with her words. I couldn't help but feel grateful for her natural storytelling ability. My family listened intently, their eyes flicking back and forth between us. They seemed happy to see me so in love.

Without warning, my mother placed her fork on the table and leveled her gaze at Coco. "So you aren't after my son's money?" she said slowly.

The dinner table fell silent, my father dumbfounded by my mother's sudden question. Coco finished wiping her mouth with a napkin before responding. "No, ma'am, I don't need Adonis' money because I have my own," she said firmly. "I'm with him because he helped me escape an abusive husband. He gave me the courage to leave when I thought there was no way out. I love him for who he is, not what he has."

My mother sat back in her chair, digesting Coco's words. Her eyes softened as she looked at both of us. "Well, that's all I needed to hear," my mother said with a smile. "You two make a lovely couple."

The tension dissipated from the room and the conversation flowed back to lighter topics. We all laughed and joked as we enjoyed our meal, happy to be together as a family. After dinner, my father suggested we play a game of cards. We all agreed and moved to the living room, gathering around the coffee table. My Uncle pulled out his deck of cards and began shuffling.

Illicit Hearts: Forbidden Hearts Series BWWM Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum