Chapter 10: Enter the Storm

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 Don Michalis growled. "What the fuck Seth? Why didn't you tell me that our brother Timothy was working with Rashon Elliott and James Russell?"

Seth stared at Don with a blank expression, his dark eyes wide and mouth shut.

Don clenched his fists in frustration. "The two biggest drug dealers in the fucking country. Those two motherfuckers are the reasons we can't get the drugs under control in our city. Fuck!"

Seth took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Listen, Don. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just... I didn't want you to worry."

Don scoffed and shook his head. "Yeah, well, it's a little too late for that now. Timothy's died at Adonis house prompted Rashon's squad to tie up all the loose ends.

Seth nervously rubbed his hands together. "Listen brother, Timothy and Rashon have been working together for a while now. It started when Timothy was dealing some narcotics in Brooklyn, out of the need to make additional money — that's when Rashon presented him with an opportunity."

Don nodded. "And James Russel? How did he get involved?"

Seth shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think they met through Rashon. Maybe they had a mutual friend or something."

Don sighed and shook his head. "Jesus. Why the hell would Timothy get involved with these two? He knows the trouble they can cause, especially in this city."

Seth hesitated before answering. "I think it was just a way for him to make money. He probably didn't think it was gonna be this serious."

Don scoffed and shook his head. "Yeah, well, it's a little too late for that now. Since Timothy's death happened at Adonis's house, it prompted Rashon's squad to tie up all the loose ends.

Seth nervously wrung his hands. "So, Timothy and Rashon have been working together for a while now. It started when Timothy was dealing some narcotics in Brooklyn, out of the need to make additional money—that's when Rashon presented him with an opportunity."

Rising from his chair, Don moved back and forth across the room. "First, we need to uncover what Timothy has got himself tangled up in this time. We should start by speaking with his team of associates. It's highly likely one of them knows something about his activities. He stopped and looked at Seth. "Do you think you can do that?"

Seth nodded. "Yes, I can. I'll find out what's going on and come up with a plan."

Don nodded in approval. "Good. Do it fast. We have very little time."

The funeral plans must begin. An unspeakable dread washes over me and my pulse quickens in despair. I urgently need everyone's help, but Adonis must be spoken to first. Seth, leave me now—the weight of this duty is crushing.

Seth raised an eyebrow. "What do you need to talk to Adonis about?"

Don looked at Seth, his eyes flashing with anger. "This is none of your business, Seth. Just do as I ask and find out what you can about Timothy's associates."

Seth nodded and left the room, leaving Don alone with his thoughts. He picked up his phone and dialed Adonis' number, hoping that he would answer.

After a few rings, Adonis finally picked up. "Dad? What's up?"

"Don't ask questions," Don said sharply. "I need your help with something urgent. Can you come over to my our house right away?"

Adonis hesitated for a moment before replying. "Sure, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Don hung up and sat down heavily in his chair, feeling the overwhelming sadness of Timothy's passing. He knew they needed to act fast and figure out what had happened, but the weight of the situation was almost too much to bear.

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