Chapter 3: Adonis

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  The week dragged on like a painful eternity. I was dreading the alarm that I knew would soon sound in my bedroom. When it did, its piercing wail felt like a spear slicing through me. With a heavy heart, I knew I had to obey Don Michalis's summons and get up. This was not a request; this was an order for his loyal underboss.

My teeth grind in seething anger and I slam my fists against the wall. The force of my rage echoes through the room and everything inside me screams with frustration. My muscles clench and I hear my scream ripping through the air like thunder, desperate and aching for some pussy. Damn, I want a woman in my bed tonight. Adonis jumped in the shower, trying to wash away the anger and frustration that kept his mind clouded. He wondered what his father want. Probably has a job for him.

He got dressed, without hesitation, Adonis grabbed his phone and began scrolling through his contacts. Niles name came up, he gave his brother a call.

"Hello, Niles speaking."

"Brother, how you doing?" Adonis spoke.

That caught Niles by surprise. "Are you well? Why are you calling me?" he replied.

Adonis rolled his eyes in a scoff. "Will you stop thinking I need to call every time for fear that something is wrong with me? Is this how you treat your oldest brother?" Adonis asked.

"Forget it, big brother. I just want to know what Father called us here for?" His impatience was clear in his voice. "Do you have any idea why he wanted to see us?"

"I can only speculate, brother." Adonis said, as he took a deep breath over the phone. "I have a feeling it has something to do with Rashon Elliott —" Adonis's voice trailed off.

Rashon Elliott was climbing the criminal ladder in New York and attempted to take control of Long Island, knowing that wasn't even his territory. Adonis had original plans and did not intend to let this happen.

"Niles," I said into the phone, "I'm about to head out. Meet me at our parents' house. Don't be late." With that, Adonis ended the call.

Adonis knew it was time to straighten himself up and come into his own. Even though he already had the respect of his family and the streets, he needed to take control of Long Island. Someday his father wouldn't be around, and one of them would have to step in as the leader. Adonis was in the back of his SUV, feeling a bit intimidated as it approached his parents' mansion. The road leading up to the house seemed like a bridge with fountains and its own security force on either side. When he arrived, the main gate opened, and several armed guards moved into position to let his car pull through.

Adonis stepped out of the car into the refreshing May air. Shielding his eyes from the blinding sun, he strolled up to the mansion's entrance. Where is Niles? He always takes so long. He knocked on the enormous double doors before turning to look over at the shore. The housekeeper opened the door and Adonis stepped inside. "Good day, Burt," he said, "I'm here to meet with my father."

"Yes, sir," the homely man said in a shaky voice.

The door closed behind Adonis as the faint smell of expensive cigars and tequila served as a litmus test for Michalis's achievements. "He's in his office, sir," Burt said, motioning toward a room at the very end of the hall.

Adonis inhaled deeply; he felt at ease. His father's office details were impeccable. He admired its rows of white pillars and chandeliers that glowed against the gold-plated tables and marble floors.

"You're late," Michalis said in his Greek accent.

Adonis could see that he was in a foul mood, but he had questions about the current management of their criminal empire. "Everything okay, Dad?" he asked gently, moving to an overstuffed leather chair across from his father's desk.

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