Chapter 14: Making a deal with the devil.

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 It was Saturday. The day of Timothy Petrakis' funeral. Adonis and his family gathered in the chapel, standing around the casket, each wearing a solemn expression and heavy hearts. Adonis' father and Uncle Seth were especially grieved, for they were Timothy's brothers. Adonis, his fiancee Coco and his brothers Niles and Theo, stood quietly by their sides.

Adonis had never seen his father like this. He'd always been a pillar of strength, but now his face was lined with sadness. Uncle Seth, too, had always been the life of the party and had never been one to hold back his emotions. But now he stared stoically at the casket, his eyes moist with tears. Adonis glanced nervously around the room, feeling a mix of emotions. He could make out the unfamiliar faces of distant cousins and family friends, all here to pay their respects. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that he wasn't the only one who felt this pain.

The service began. Adonis' father and Uncle Seth took turns at the podium, talking about Timothy in the most glowing terms. Everyone in the room was moved by their words. They spoke of his love of life, his humor, and his gentleness. Adonis felt a lump in his throat as he listened. His father's and uncle's words were a tribute to his brother's life. He felt his emotions raw, but he couldn't bring himself to cry.

The service ended with a somber rendition of "Amazing Grace". Everyone in the room held hands and sang along. Adonis felt a sense of peace wash over him as he sang the familiar words. The pallbearers took turns carrying Timothy's casket out of the chapel and to the cemetery. Adonis' family followed closely behind, their faces somber and tinged with grief.

The burial site was a beautiful spot overlooking a lake and a lush meadow. Adonis looked out into the distance, taking in the view, wishing that he could have a wild night with Timothy one last time. He knew his uncle was now in a better place. The family gathered around the casket as the reverend said a few words. Then, one by one, they stepped forward and placed a single rose on the casket. Adonis was the last to go, and he found it hard to move. But he forced himself, placing his rose on the casket and saying a silent goodbye.

The family then stood in a circle and held hands as the casket was lowered into the ground. They said a prayer and a few last words for their beloved Timothy. Soon after, they dispersed. Adonis looked around and noticed how each of his family members had a different demeanor now. His father was stoic, while his uncle Seth was less composed. Theo and Niles had a mixture of sadness and determination on their faces. Adonis looked around at this family that had been broken by tragedy, but he also saw hope in their eyes. He knew that no matter what tomorrow would bring, they would carry on.


Coco clung to my arm as if her life depended on it, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love I felt for her at that moment. But then my gaze shifted, and I saw Ava and Detectives Ross along with Officer Zelda standing far away with hard expressions on their faces. Oh no! I say to myself, something was up—and it wasn't good. We had two loose ends to tie up: Detective Ross and his asshole ways, and Owen "Bombman" and his criminal cohorts. This could only end badly.

I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Coco squeezed my arm even tighter, and I turned to look at her. "I'm so glad you're with me, Coco," I said, mustering up enough courage to speak. "Having you here is getting me through this."

Coco's grip on my arm tightened as we approached Theo and Niles. The two were in the midst of a heated debate, which didn't seem to go anywhere. I felt anxiety swell within me as they turned their heads to look at us.

I pointed towards the large tree on the edge of the graveyard, my arm rigid with anger. "What the hell are they doing here?" Theo seethed, his gaze fixing on where I had showed him. Niles glanced over too but said nothing, standing in silence next to us.

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