Chapter 12: Adonis

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  I walked out of the hospital in a daze, my mind whirring with hatred and rage, barely keeping me in one place. The hours melted away as I was in the sanctuary of my beloved's room, and the knowledge that she would survive set off a raging fire within me. The walls of my love's room felt like they were closing in on me, my stomach flipping with trepidation as I looked around the familiar space. A wave of warmth and joy overcame me when I realized she was going to make it, my heart bursting with a thousand bubbles of bliss.

Two of the men I'd asked to stay with her stepped out to follow me. I hadn't said a word, but they knew what I was thinking. Sander and Tassos. They were both big, burly characters, and I knew with absolute certainty that they would let nothing happen to her.

My brothers, Niles and Theo, fell in step beside me as I walked out. They were my little brothers, and they knew what my next moves were before I even did it. Coco, my love, had asked me not to kill Dakotah, the woman who had tried to kill her. We rarely killed women, even those who had done the vilest of deeds. We had a code, and Coco had been adamant that nothing happen to her.

My brothers were silent as we made our way out of the hospital, but I could feel their eyes on me. They knew, though I had said nothing, that if anything happened to her, all bets were off. Nothing would stop me from exacting justice if it came to that.

Our first stop was Don Michalis's house. He was our father, and the head of our organization. If anyone could help us in this situation, it was him. I knew exactly what I wanted to tell him. No gray areas, no room for misinterpretations. Dakotah had tried to take Coco from me, and that was unacceptable.

We pulled up to the house, a large mansion lined with thick stone walls. I hurried my brothers up the steps, in no mood for delays. Don Michalis was waiting for us in the study. He knew why we were here, the look on my face enough to give him all the information he needed. He stood up upon seeing us and beckoned us all to sit.

"You know why I'm here," I said, my voice cold and calculated. "Dakotah tried to take Coco from me, father. That cannot stand. I want you to make sure that justice is served. I know we don't kill women father, but Coco is the love of my life. Even though she is not a Greek woman, she is my woman."

My father nodded slowly as he processed my words. He knew the gravity of the situation, and he knew better than to make light of it. "I swear it," he spat out, voice quivering with rage. "I'd never usually demand a woman's death, but if we force her to leave the country, what guarantee do I have that she won't return and complete her mission?" His fists trembled as his gaze hardened, determined to see this through.

I felt the weight of my father's promise lift a burden off my shoulders. He understood the situation completely, and would do whatever it took to protect both me and the honor of our family. As we left my father's study, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. My mind was made up — Dakotah had to be dealt with, and I would stop at nothing to ensure that Coco was safe. I knew what I had to do.

My family's honor and justice were at stake, and I had to make sure it wasn't broken. My brothers and I marched to the Warehouse of Death with an unspoken goal: no mercy for Dakotah. We'd done this before- when we needed to make an example of someone who had wronged our family, Adonis the Assassin was called upon. This time was different, though; there would be no reprieve, no pardon—only death in its coldest embrace awaited her.

We marched into the Warehouse of Death, the sound of our synchronized boots clapping against the floor like a funeral dirge. Our men were posted at every entrance, waiting to take action if something happened. The vast emptiness of the warehouse filled me with an eerie silence as I made my way to the desk and settled into the tall leather chair, with my brothers standing guard behind me. Niles sent Blake and Derek a text that it was time to bring Dakotah out—there was no turning back.

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