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Y/n was confused as to why Haerin had just stormed off.

Y/n began to wonder if they had some sort of relationship with Y/n but they ended up just shrugging it off as they did most hazy memories.

- Y/N POV -

I shot hoops for a bit as I let Haerin simmer down a little.

I'm sure there was a reason why she was upset.

I figured giving her space was probably the best.

As the night came to a calm, I started hear a river.

My ears perked up like a dog at the sound of water. I put my basketball away and started to walk to the sound.... when I suddenly heard...

"Where are you going?"

I turned back to find that Haerin come back out.

"Umm, I want to go to the water," I answered a bit awkwardly.

"Can I come?" She asked a by shyly.

"Mhm," I hummed out.

Haerin caught up to me and we walked to the river side by side. Neither of us spoke the entire time. We just walked in silence.

We reached a river that led up to a lake and sat on the river bank.

Haerin and I sat in silence as if it was ritual for us after a fight.

It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

It was nice to have her by my side.

A few minutes went by and Haerin still didn't speak a word.


I cleared my throat a bit to try to gain the courage to speak up.

I cleared my throat again before another attempt and finally spoke.... "Does-does it make you feel bad to have to make new memories with me?"

Haerin didn't speak for a few seconds.

I was about to give up and get up to go back to the cabin when Haerin finally decided to respond.

"I think- I think at first... it was really hard but... that night when I found you singing in the backyard.... that night... it felt special. It's one of my favorite new memories with you," she answered.

I genuinely did not expect that response.

"What did you like about it?" I asked a bit curious.

"You-you.... I had only seen you play the guitar once before... and that night... you were singing a song that brought me a lot of comfort. When that song plays, I always think of you now....," Haerin started to share a bit nervously.

- Haerin POV -

"Hey, how was I like as a partner before? I like I now I've asked you before but like what was my love language or what made you so attracted to me?" Y/n suddenly asked as we sat on the river bank.

I thought about it as hard as I could.

I always hated when I had to think about things and explain them because I have such a hard time with it.... but for Y/n... everything felt worth the struggle.

"Umm..... you like to spend a lot of time with me. So I guess quality time might have been your love language," I responded a bit unsure.

"Oh, and you always liked to gift me things. Like my frog ear warmers and a frog from the museum and boxing gloves from one my favorite match and your umbrella and also your uniform from when you graduated!" I realized I was starting to get lost in my thoughts.

"But you don't seem like that anymore," I ended as I realized I was talking without giving Y/n a chance to respond.

"What do I seem like now?" Y/n asked.

I thought about how to put things into words.

I still struggled with it but I did my best.

"You're more emotional now. Like happy emotions and sad emotions and you show them to me. Before you didn't, you always seemed serious and angry but you were still very sweet and chivalrous," I answered.

"Now, you show your emotions through music a lot," I tried to explain it as simple as I could.

"Well our new love language can be music now," Y/n suggested.

"I might not be able to remember my memories.... but my body remembers the feelings," They added.

"We can share how we feel through music," Y/n seemed to get a little shy.

"I know it's probably odd since you do music for a living but.... I think that's something I can do for now," Y/n kept being really cute.

I felt my heart beat racing as I stared into the water.

"You know.... there's a song that we wrote about you....?" I started to speak.

"너만 생각나 24
행운아야 정말로
I know, I know...,"

Y/n cutely sang.

I couldn't help but giggle at the cute reaction.

"Yeah, that one!" I giggled out a bit embarrassed.

"Y/N-YAAAHH!!!!"..... "HAERIN-AHHHH!!!""

We began to hear screams.

"Oh, I think they're looking for us!" Y/n responded as they got up on their feet

Y/n then helped me get up and we started to walk back to the cabin.

"I'm not gonna be the one get hurtttt," Y/n began to tease me with our songs.

"YAHHH!" I screeched in embarrassment.

"I'm proud of you, Frog!" Y/n suddenly said as they placed their arm around me.

My heart felt completely swollen at the sound of those words.










Author's Note: What's your love language? <(^.^)>

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