The Second Betrayel

Start from the beginning

Wukong flinched at the tone, knowing full well who it was from. His eyes slowly turned to a furious demoness.

MK watched with wide eyes, "Wait wait—!! No need to fight each other!!" He hurried over with waving hands.

Tang raised his hand hurriedly to try and diffuse the rising tension, "It was me—!" He rubbed his hands together nervously, "I mean yeah, Ren forced me to do it, BUT, only because he was influenced by the Lady Bone Demon—!! And I'm definitely starting to have second thoughts about this entire thing...!" He rambled on as Nezha watched with a raised brow, "But, I don't know how... I don't know why... I just.. Felt like I had too." He looked up with a realization, "Like it was... Destiny."

Wukong lowered his clenched fist with a low growl.

MK was getting annoyed as he raised a hand urgently at Mei, "I'm sorry to interrupt...! But can someone explain what is happening!?"

Redson slid in, "Yes! An explanation is a need at this very moment!!" He encouraged hurriedly as he paced around worriedly.

Wukong glanced at Mei and then to the group with raised hands, "Okay. This is gonna sound reaaaaally bad. But hear me out."

Jinhua already didn't like this.

Nezha listened with narrowed eyes, "Sun Wukong... What have you done?"

Wukong stared down at the floor, "I... I made a mistake... During the ritual.. A piece of the Samadhi Fire got away from me..." he avoided growing heated glares from some demons, "I don't know what happened but I guess... Part of it was sealed into the closest that could contain it..." He immediately felt a dangerous pressure grow as he knew that the demoness figured it out quickly, "Into my friend, the white horse dragon, Ao Lie."

Sandy gasped, "Mei's thousand great grand father...!"

Redson's eyes widen, "It was passed down."

"Making Mei the fourth ring...!" MK looked at Wukong with a horrified expression.

Jinhua stomped forward and grabbed the simian by the collar, "So instead of telling us the truth—! You instead began to blame a child for this mess!?" Her eyes flashed dangerously.

Macaque stayed in his spot, holding Ren close as they watched the exchange happen.

"I told you guys to wait—!" Wukong tried to speak but Jinhua was too furious to care about his ludicrous excuses.

"To wait for you to give us the plan!? To explain to us what was gonna happen!?" She pointed a hand behind her, "To watch my apprentice go through what I did!? Is that what your telling me!? TO WAIT—!?"

Mei felt anger rise in her for her mentor's justified wrath, "You knew...!" She clenched her fists, "You knew I had this thing inside of me—!!"

MK glanced around, not knowing who to defend anymore as things were looking reaaaal bad for his mentor, "W-wait...!" He trailed off as Mei wasn't finished.

Her anger only grew by the second, "And you hid it from all of us...!! Why!? What were you afraid of—!?" Tears filtered her eyes, "That you were gonna have to tear me apart to get your precious Samadhi Fire!?"

The flaming orb that surrounded her grew in size as she was having a mental breakdown.

"Mei—!" Ren teared up, his hand reaching out towards the girl, but Macaque shoved him away and stood in front of him as a massive wave of flames lurched out. Wukong stood in front of MK and Jinhua as he took the full brunt force. While Nezha was about to do the same, Sandy jumped forward and used his body as a shield.

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