13. Headquarters

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"Understand the people close to you, you think you know them but they may be hiding something. Maybe they need help or comfort. Don't turn your back to them and try to understand them. Help them cause you might be the only one that does"

 Help them cause you might be the only one that does"

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"She is not breathing and we can't find a pulse" Diego said as Viktor rushed over to Diego "She can't be dead" Viktor said as tears started showing in their eyes.

"No, I wouldn't accept that" Diego said before he put his hands on your chest and started giving you CPR, trying to get you to breathe "One, two, three, four, five..." Diego said while Viktor started doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on you.

 "Six, seven, eight..." Diego said as he continue giving you CPR "Come on Tilly, you can't die" Viktor said.

"Come on, sis. Five needs you. We need you. Don't leave us again, not when we have just gotten you back" Diego said as him and Viktor kept giving you CPR "Come on sis. Breathe" Viktor said.

Then suddenly you coughed before you began breathing again and you opened your eyes causing Diego and Viktor to breathe out in relief "Thank God" they said before they help you sit up.

"You okay?" they asked "If being dead is okay, then I'm fine" you said sarcastically and the two chuckled "Please don't tell Five anything" you said "Well, we are not gonna say what happen to you" Diego said "He will kill us" Viktor said and you nodded "You can't blame him" you said as you all three stood up.

Harlan walked closer to Jayme and Alphonso who was laying dead on the floor, half of their face melting off.

You looked at their melted faces with widened eyes. This reminded you too much of Elliott which 'cause your heartbeat to spiked up as you began to hyperventilate. 'No, no, no'

"Elliott is dead because of you! All of you!" 

You thought back to how foolish and ignorant you had been before. There was not something Five deserved to hear. Your powers, however as well as your emotions were out of control. 

"Tilly, you okay?" Diego asked as he put his hand on your shoulder before he walked up in front of you, so he was blocking the sight.

"They are dead" you said "And it's not your fault, you protected us" he said and you started breathing heavily "Hey" Diego said as he put your face in his hands "This is not your fault, you protected us, so don't blame yourself, okay. You didn't do this" he said and you nodded "Come here" he said before he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a warm big brother hug.

Diego has always being like the protective big brother towards you.

When Five was not around, Klaus, Diego or Viktor was always there for you. Hugging you when you needed it.

Stan crawled out from the receptionist's desk and Diego pulled away from the hug before he let out a whistled as he pointed at Stan "You! Upstairs! Now!" Diego shouted before he walked over to him but stopped when he noticed the terrified look Stan had on his face.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now