25. Shruti

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I stand there frozen , completely blank . Shivay is blank too but he is rather calm as if it's nothing for him. A part of my brain is constantly thinking that he brought me to a mental Asylum to mock me afterall I gave him what he wanted the most last night . The challenge is over for him and he'll now show me my place . That part of my brain is slapped across the face when he turns towards me and cups my face .

"Heartbeat, don't be scared " he caresses my cheeks with his thumb ."they are human beings with a defective brain, that's it "

"It makes me feel I'll --" my voice breaks.

"Shh" he pulls me towards his chest holding the back of my head " Don't think too much baby, you just overthink. You won't be like them , I won't let that happen. We can go back if you want but you'll have to promise me that you won't ask those questions again" He looks into my eyes .

I grab his bicep with both my hands and look ahead clutching to his arm.

He looks at me with a poker face and chuckles "aren't you stubborn "

We walk inside and as soon as the guard sees shivay he directs us towards a hall . All I can hear are screams of people all around me . Some laugh , some cry and some scream . I squeeze my eyes shut and he wraps an arm around me .

We stop in front of a room with front wall half made of glass.

He literally freezes and keeps standing away . My gaze bounces between him and the glass . Then I notice someone's silhouette . With shivering steps I move towards the glass and when she turns her head towards me , my mind goes numb .

Aunt Adara !!!!

"She--s-he" my finger shivers pointed towards her.

"Isn't dead" he completes it for me .

"Uncle !!! He---he lied, mom-dad th-ey and YOU !!! "

"Who are you " she comes towards the wall and opens a small window . The guard stands near the window attentively . She won't hurt me , will she ?

"Where is Tanmay , he didn't come " She's so relaxed and calm . Asking those questions, she looks like a kid .

I turn to look at Shiv but suddenly she grabs my hand and pulls me towards her . I'm surprised because of her strength .

"You!!! Who are you, what are you doing with him"

It's alright that she doesn't remember me but she's hurting me for no reason . Her nails dig into my skin as the guard tries to free me .

"Don't touch her" Shiv growls as his mom instantly leaves my wrist and steps back like a scared cat .

"You won't come anymore " she sobs.

"we will" I cover my bleeding wrist with a hand . I've done that thing to myself before . Now I know how bad it is .

"No we won't " he grabs my elbow and takes me away .

"No, please--- please " she keeps yelling and crying .

I don't know how to react to things right now because it is too much to take at once .

First we go to a doctor and then back home . When the car stops in the driveway, abhimanyu and Crystal stand with our parents waiting .

"Where did you go without me " abhimanyu questions and Crystal hits him with an elbow . He pretends to be hurt.

I would have died laughing but today is not the day .

"Where did you take HER !!!" Tanmay uncle snarls strutting towards Shiv. He grabs his collars and looks at him with rage ." Where did you take her , you irresponsible punk"

Shiv rolls his eyes at him and sighs "Calm the fuck down" and removes his hands from his collars.

"You won't listen to me , will you " he growls and abhi steps forward.

"Enough Tanmay " my dad stands shoulder to shoulder with shiv .

"Guys talk inside " my mum speaks up.

"I really am gonna teach you how to behave " uncle raises a hand to slap him but my dad stops him .

"What did he do ? Can't he check up on his mom ? Moreover, shru had every right to know the truth " dad frowns.

"That's not all ! He crossed the line , HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO "

My heart sinks to my stomach when uncle's gaze bounces between me and him .

Shame on me .

He places a hand in my head as a tear slides down my cheeks "It's not your fault, I'll find a -- "

" I love her Damn it !!! " shiv's voice echoes around us . I squeeze my eyes shut . I'm so not gonna face my parents now .

"Shut up for God's sake" uncle grits his teeth .

"I told you I love her when you were sending me away . I still love her and it will not change no matter where you send me ."

My eyes turn wide as I look at his face . My parents are shocked too.

"Back then you told me I'm a kid , I no longer am a Kid , dad . I know what I want and I'll never let go what belongs to me " he deadpans and walks towards his house followed by Abhimanyu.

"I-- " uncle rubs his temples "that brat " he follows Shiv.

I rush to my room and cry my heart out while Crystal knocks at the door constantly.

"Are you alright " she hugs me when I walk out .

"I am " I smile "are we leaving"

"Yes abhi Said car is ready "

"I'll be right there " I tell her and she walks out not before nodding.

"We are extremely sorry " my mom stops me and dad seems anxious .

"Tell me everything if you actually are "

Dad nods and makes me sit on a chair across him "adara's mental issues started because she was always overthinking and worried too much. She stressed her brain a lot and tanmay couldn't figure out how to handle stuff . She didn't want to see a psychiatrist plus didn't want to ruin her husband's career . It all went from worse to worst when she started beating her little boy to release her anxiety ."

My eyes turn wide and dad's voice almost breaks.

"I couldn't see that baby boy suffering. He would sneak into your room when his mum didn't give him food or would beat him recklessly when Tanmay wasn't around" his eyes pool with tears while mum really starts crying.

"So we had to send her away "she sobs .

A very bad feeling crawls up my gut . No doubt Shiv loves me but at the same time he hates me , because I am just like her.

I'm just like her .

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