10. Shruti

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You know there is this thing about tragedies that mostly turn your life upside down ,is that they come without knocking , when you least expect them . I'm shaking in my shoes when I look at him with that much obsession in his eyes .

That's it , today all hopes for me saving my friendship die . This is the end.

"You really are someone else, aren't you" My vision is blurred by tears.

"Maybe or maybe not " his thumb caresses my jawline .

"I can't bring you back , can I?"

He huffs and chuckles "bring me back from where? for God's sake heartbeat what's your obsession with a stupid childhood relationship "

His words feel like a jab through my heart . He rips my soul with those words .

"It would have been better if you had slapped me Shiv , stupid childhood relationship?" My voice cracks at the end .

"Yes ! It was a goddamn stupid thing, I've never seen you like you saw me . I spent days and nights with you, seeing you talk to any other guy, be it abhi or Dev made my blood boil and I was a fucking ten year old , how can you not understand "

Listening to his confession makes me go back years in my memory. Was it always more than friendship?
It was .
It is .

"If not , then let me be with any other girl why are you possessive about me " he growls.

"Because you are my friend damn it " I yell back.

"Shut the fuck up , I am NOT your friend , never was , never will be . Open your fucking mind and your eyes"

He holds my face with one hand squeezing my cheeks slightly "look at me , stop fooling yourself and everyone else, you little coward "

"I am not a coward and you know it "

"You ARE and you fucking know it"

I don't know what to say to him but one thing is what I know for sure , he's not my friend. He is my nobody .

"Fine , then get the hell out of my life . Make it simple for both of us . Call her back and do whatever shit you fucking want " I deadpan .

"I wanna do it all with you " he speaks in a lower tone .

"Stop talking that to me , stop saying those words to me. It , it feels bad "

"Why does it , I can't understand." He grabs his hair with one hand as if he's too annoyed and irritated. The next thing he does makes me flich and move aside.
He slams his hand on the door near my head . The whole door vibrates making a shiver run down my spine .

"For once Shru , for fucking once can't you see me as a guy, a guy who wants to be with you. Stop putting tags on my forhead "

"I can't do that " I speak in a shivering voice.

"Well fuck , because you will have to "

"Why " I look at him with wide eyes as he grabs my upper arm and throws me on the bed.

"Because you are MINE " he hovers over me and I see his obsession filled eyes fixed at my teary ones . Our mouths one inch away when he speaks like an obsessive psychopath "I own you my heartbeat . I am your man , so please be my woman without making things difficult for yourself "

I can almost listen to my heart pounding in my chest when I gain the courage to speak "N-no "

"You don't like the easy path so let's do it my way " he voices making me shiver.

"S-shiv I'll forever hate you"

"You anyways do " he deadpans as his lips crash on mine , a shudder runs down my body and I feel like being pushed into the bed as he sucks the life out of me . The kiss is not a romantic one but a warning, a threat against the challenge I threw right at his face . His toungue enters inside my mouth and my body shakes and shivers . Although one part of my brain wants to push him away and run but there is still a stupid part that wants to stay. That part defies morals and values. That part is bad , Rotten and immoral .

His hand finds its way to the center of my thighs . Over the fabric his fingers rub against my soft skin making sudden waves of pleasure hit me . He pushes his fingers further and I'm done for .

"Shiva, emergency " abhi knocks at the door and pulls me out of another universe.

"Fuck off " shiv growls and sucks at my neck . I push his shoulders away but when his eyes meet mine , I feel like I'm the most depraved human being on earth.

What did I just do?????

"I wouldn't call you if it wasn't urgent " he speaks loud and shiv whipers in my ear .

"Don't dare to move untill I come back " he smiles like a maniac "you won't like the punishment "

He grabs his t-shirt and slightly opens the door and steps out.

The door shuts but abhi voices " I'm sorry shru , I'll send your man back "

I slap a hand on my forhead and look at the ceiling.

What the fuck did I just do ?

Tears stream down my cheeks as I get up and find my phone.

"Hello "she speaks and I spit out instantly "get me some clothes , I need to leave "

"Wait ,what happened?" Zara sounds astonished.

"I'll tell you later , do what I said "

"Got it " she hangs up and somehow I manage to escape from Daivey's Mansion.

When I reach back home , my phone is constantly ringing with calls from him . I lock my balcony door and front door and switch off my phone. Hiding in my blanket in my completely dark room .
I hear the sound of his car engine after an hour and my body freezes . Tanmay uncle is home so he won't dare to break the door of my room . I become restless and keep scratching my arm untill I fall asleep .

For further few days I stay in my room and avoid him as much as I can . Whenever I see shiv, I run away from there and today we're all leaving for the university.

Once I go there I'll stay with friends and he will stay with his friends. I won't see him. I hate him, I just hate him .

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