18. Shruti

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I look out through the window of his Mercedes while my right leg is shaking continuously. He and kavish discuss something and then shake hands before he walks to the driver side door of his car . My spine jerks straight as he gets inside and slams the door behind him . Kavish walks ishani , kainat and inayat to their car while Shiv starts his car and speeds away from the Hunters Mansion .

I knew it was a bad idea to come here . It was a bad idea from the start .

His grip on the steering wheel is firm as he drives us back to the DEU campus .


"Shut the fuck up if you don't want any troubles heartbeat"

I gulp down the lump in my throat and intertwine fingers of both my hands shifting my gaze to my hands .

When the car stops he gets out first and grabs my elbow to pull me out . I know he's angry but I'm so sure one day I'll loose my arm because of him .

I have to blink my eyes a few times to make myself realize that we are in front of the Emperors Mansion. It's a white coloured high-tech building with blue glasses.

"Why ar--" before I could complete my sentence he drags me inside and soon we stop in front of his room , he kicks the door in but my eyes catch sight of someone lying on his bed .


"use your own fucking bed " he growls but abhimanyu presses a pillow against his head to block shiv's voice.

"Get the fuck out asshole " shiv grabs his arm but abhimanyu yanks it away .

"Go use my bedroom, it's no difference,  I'm sure shru won't mind " he mumbles.

Shiv tilts his head to the side as if he has a brilliant idea on his mind .

"How can I go to your bedroom when Raghuvanshi's Princess is there "

Abhimanyu almost literally snaps his neck by the force he looks up . 

"Really" he sits straight .

Shiv smirks and points towards me " she was with my heartbeat, I told her to use your room for the night "

"Ohh fuck " he runs outside and poor abhimanyu won't find even Crystal's shoe in his room.

"Serves you right asshole " shiv utters shutting the door behind him.

He then looks at me and counts  " one , two , thr--"

"I will kill you motherfucking asshole , you shithead , open the fucking door "

"Piss off " he snarls before shifting his gaze to me, making a shiver run down my spine .

"Don't tell him about zara " I whisper in a low voice .

He furrows his brows questioning "and why will I listen to you ? " he glares at me " when you don't fucking listen to me !!!!! " he growls making me flich . My back hits the door .

"I'm--- "

"Say sorry one more time in your life and I swear shru I'm seriously gonna loose it . Your sorry means shit to me " he snaps as tears pool in my eyes .

"Couldn't you find a shorter outfit to show up at the Hunters Mansion which is crowded with uncountable number of assholes at this time !!! Do you know how people were gaping at you when I walked you out ? Do you know how it made my blood boil and how it got onto my nerves?? Do you know how fucked up I felt ? All you got to say is a fucking five letters word everytime??? You irresponsible , careless little brat "

I raise my head looking at him with teary eyes "I'm not irresponsible and I'm not a brat "I sob

"Then what are you ? A free show for dickheads ?"

"Shiv!!! "

"What shru ? What the fuck did you think when you decided to get inside this tiny piece of cloth and put on a show for others just to end up there out of all places? "

"You said I could wear anything except red "

"Anything at a place where you are safe and as far as I know babygirl Hunters Mansion is the least safe place on our planet "

He leaves me spellbound so I shift my gaze to the floor.

"Done with the debate? " He questions and I nod before he grabs my waist , turns my around,  walks a little and pushes me on his bed .
I fall on it and look at his face as he throws his jacket and t-shirt away .

"Time for punishment" He deadpans making me shiver .

Bending down he removes my heels and his dark black , shiny hair fall on his forhead as he does so . My center throbs looking at him half naked with my golden heels in his hand .

"Now firstly you'll tell me where my little siso is and what is she doing with the elder oberoi ?" He places my footwear on the floor .

I pretend to lock my mouth and throw the key away ." Sorry , sister's code"

He hovers over me and grabs my hair in his fist "I love how you suddenly gain so much courage, speak up heartbeat,  I'm not a patient man "

"And I'm not a fraud friend"

He grabs my thigh and presses it with his hand . My eyes catch sight of his veiny forearm which makes my center throb .

"Either you tell me or I text abhimanyu and you know his temperament issues " he smirks.

Abhimanyu is like a volcano, when it  comes to rules , he doesn't like bending or breaking .

"Why would he react like that on the mere mention of crystal " my voice trembles as I try to deviate his attention from the topic of Zara and archit .

"Why would I want to fuck you right now , right here , without any mercy ? Why does the inner animal inside me wants to shred your innocence to pieces ? Why Heartbeat ? Because I know you are mine . "

"That -- means abhimanyu is obsessed with her ? " which is a scary thought considering she has two brothers and one is literally Satan's Heir himself .

His lip curve up in a smirk "You can call it obsession,  I call it endless, boundless love . Now quickly start talking before I start fucking"

"She was drunk , he took her with him " I give a very brief answer and he tilts his head to the side "some motherfuckers invite death , don't they ?"

He picks up his phone from the side table and dials a call "where are you? See me in an hour . "

"Who was it " I snatch his phone as devansh hangs up .

"Oh my god, shiv what are you ---- "

He frames my face with both hands and looks into my eyes "right now , I want you to be a good girl at least for an hour after you fucked up so bad "

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