5. Shruti

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Someone knocks at my door unstoppable making me get up reluctantly and open my front door .

"Mrs Birla wants to see you miss "

I force my eyes to open and the time is 4 am.

I walk down the stairs while my body is still half asleep.

My mum is in the office busy on a phone call . As soon as her eyes catch sight of me she abruptly speaks up "tanmay wants you to take care of breakfast arrangements for the party members . You were far asleep last night so I couldn't tell you. Everyone will be here at 7 . Make it quick Shru"

"Okay " my sleepiness flies away and I instanly turn around.

"Shivay was here last night?" She questions writing something on her papers and I freeze .

"W-why "

"I saw him walking towards his house last night when we were there " she casually voices eating almonds.

"He came to talk "I force a smile.

"Then you should have asked him to stay . He's your best friend after all "

I look at my over-cool mum with wide eyes .

"Basic manners shru ? He came after ten years "

"Whatever " I rush upstairs to take shower.

Sometimes my family is so unbelievable . Children nowadays would kill for parents like them. I myself love them but sometimes it is too much .
However I know that they trust Shiv a lot but that asshole doesn't deserve it .

I want you in every sense there is. I want to love you because you are mine .

As far as I can understand there are a few possibilities. Either he's pulling a C grade prank like the jerk he is . Or he wants me to run away from him because obviously like he said I am not your friend. Or he really meant what he said .

Jeez---No ! Don't even think like that Shru .

I'm seriously going to get crazy . I dress up in a yellow ruffled top and denim shorts paired with white sneakers.
When I reach at the Mansion across ours , I slowly and carefully reach the kitchen . The light to his room is off which means he's sleeping. Good, now I can do my work without any kind of hindrance.

"Any specific menu?" I ask Tanmay Uncle's expert chef and he smiles shaking his head.

"It's a formal breakfast, decide what you think would suit the most " he says washing some vegetables.

At times like these I get my best chance to Train myself to be a professional chef . Uncle says I'm better than all his chefs but he thinks I'm the best in the whole world so his opinion doesn't count . For a culinary academy I need to train myself a lot.

"Okay , I'll tell you " I put on an apron and we begin our work . Cooking for me is like the only relief from stress . Whenever I can't find solution to any problem , I end up in the kitchen . When shiv went abroad I dedicated all my time to learning cooking and studies .

"We'll place these on the table , it's almost seven " a chef says and I nod " you are really talented shruti , everytime you beat our professional chefs " he voices and I smile.

I remove the apron and stir the last item which I've kept on the stove for Uncle . It's his special vegetable soup. I need to take it to him before he gets busy with work . Then for the whole day he'll keep eating here and there. At least one bowl of healthy food is a necesaty.

I freeze all of a sudden when I feel someone's presence behind me . He places his hands on the kitchen counter caging me between his strong arms. As usual with no shirt on , he's dressed in just in black lower.

"Are you trying to impress my father as usual " he questions .

"Yeap , you should try too. Ohh fish! You are not that capable , never-mind " I chuckle and he presses his body against mine making the marble counter press against my bare stomach .

"Get away " I glare at him .

"You sure as hell don't wanna see my capability heartbeat " he whispers making chills run down my spine .

"What are you? A pervert now ? " I question and he chuckles "I can stoop to any low for you "

My eyes turn wide when he says those words . This is not him. A completely different person he is .

I turn around and my skin brushes against his bare chest making me tremble but I don't let it reflect on my face .

"You said I'm not your friend , you wanna fight now? You hate me right "

He looks at my lips and then back at my eyes . Finally, it clicks to me . I now know what he has in his eyes when he looks at me .

It's lust .

My heart sinks to my stomach when realization hits me hard .

"D--Don't look at m-me like that "

"Like what " he tilts his head to the side with a smirk on his face .

"Like this " I imitate how he looked at my lips just now and he smirks . Instantly he presses harder againt me and my back is gonna hurt so bad if he doesn't back off now .

"Okay quit looking , let's start doing "

"S-shiv " I place my Palms on his chest to keep bare minimum distance between us .

"You asked me if I wanna fight ? I so DO heartbeat but the battleground would be my bed" he brings his mouth close to my ear "We'll fight like animals "

I instantly push him,away with full force and turn off the stove .

"You wanna die ? You perverted crazy guy . Do you even know who I am ? You can't talk dirty to me "

"Can you stop me ? You can't because deep down miss prim and proper you want it too "

"Just stop "

"I will if you do a tiny little thing for me "

I freeze when he mentions that . What does he want now ?

"There is a party at devansh's house so convince your father figure dear Tanmay Uncle to let us attend it "

"Why will I?" I deadpan.

"Because either I'll take you to the party or I'll fuck you tonight "

"Shut the fuck up Shivay Raichand " I scream and I hear a door click open . My spine jerks straight . Turning around I transfer the soup in a bowl and freeze when Tanmay Uncle stops in front of his high class kitchen.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to disturb her ?" He deadpans .

"Did I disturb you shru " he asks ever so innocent and in order to change the topic, I place the soup on a table and hold uncle's arm.

"You leave all of this and focus on healthy eating , I don't want my country's Prime Minister to fall sick" I say and he sits on the chair .

"I'm blessed to have a daughter like you ." He places a hand on my head.

Shivay looks at me with rage and a shiver runs down my spine .

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