19. Shivay

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I look into her eyes and that's when the fear is visible all over her face . When we were kids we treated each other like our personal property . We belonged to one another without even saying it . Now suddenly everything looks so immoral to her ?

After ten years , you dumbass.

My fingers trace the skin of her back before I pull down the straps from her shoulder . She has forever been the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life . I love her so much . Whenever I look at her , it's like she makes all darkness go away . She brings so much fucking glow when her inside are filled with darkness . That's her beauty and that's what makes her so special.

I pull her closer but my phone lying on the bed near her , rings .

And it's my dear father calling.

Her face turns pale when she sees the screen . The guilt that covers her face instantly makes my insides crumble . I frame her face but she yanks my hands away . For her my father is like a superhero. A father figure . He comes first in her life , no matter what and for him too his perfect daughter comes first . Sometimes I feel like I was born to her parents and she was born to mine but then they exchanged us and till today they regret the deal.

"This is wrong, this is--- all of this is so fucked up , it's not right " she crawls back but I grab her waist and pull her down.

"So what if it is "

My phone keeps ringing and I can't decline it but I sure as hell can ignore him right now. I flip my phone and focus on her again.

"What does it make me ? " She looks at me with teary eyes "a self centered betraying bitch whoring herself around for her own best friend who is also the son of a man who trusts her the most? What does it make me ? " She screams and tears stream down her cheeks "an immoral , unethical backstabbing bitch who seduced you ? That's what they'll talk in the media , won't they? "

"Shut up shru " her words cut me form inside like a blade . I know she negatively overthinks stuff and she has a set of rules about how she's supposed to live her life but nobody can talk ill of her , not even she herself .

"They call me a character-fucking-less ho--"

"Shut the fuck up damn it " I snarl getting away from her . Now I can't touch her . Although every part of my body wants to pull her closer.

"You are not the one who seduced me or whatsoever,  I want you and I will always want you.  I don't Care about politics , I don't Care about your tanmay uncle and I don't fucking care about moral values heartbeat . I fucking love you . Can't you see that in my eyes ? "

She looks around for something but then her eyes shift to my phone . She takes my finger to unlock it and browses something.  It is a picture of us both posted by a fan page. In the comment section, she scrolls and shows it to me

Bitch, what a smart move . Being a daughter of CM , you aim for PM's son.

Ohh my God I want her to die . Bloody Characterless .

I was so sure she was sleeping around with him . How could he back off , afterall guys can't say refuse to free access.

He was my crush , I hate you Shruti Birla.

I know she has mental issues , she's a psychopath for sure.  Shivay Raichand should run away .

Oh my god , a seducing little depressed whore.

What is she even depressed about, her daddy is Richie rich, her sugar daddy is double rich .

Sleeping with so many guys must be hectic , mental issues are no shock.

She doesn't look like she has a bad brain.

She has a black heart .

She's nothing but a disgrace to Birlas and Raichands.

I'm shocked that my phone doesn't crack by the grip I have on it . I can't even look into her eyes right now . Without moving my focus from the screen , I voice " Don't read these "

"If I don't,  will they not be there ? Or will the chance of our parents reading this shit decrease?"

"I'm so gonna murder these assholes " I fetch my t-shirt while she speaks "how Many ? A few hundreds ? Or better, a few thousands ? Who will be the last one? My uncle? Because he will fucking die if you don't stop"she cries out loud , I drop the t-shirt and turn towards her .

"No don't " She deadpands wiping her face with her palm. "Don't touch , it disgusts me "

My body goes rigid with those words coming from her mouth . "End it already shiv please ". She sobs getting up from the bed .

"What ? Myself? Because I don't see me without you "

"Then open your eyes and see it "

"I don't want to, I want us , do you not get it "

"It's you who doesn't get it , it's you Shiv !!! There is no us . There is a guy who is the son of my uncle  , who is my ex best friend and any girl would kill to have him, then there is me a girl with a shitty brain . "

It's funny how she calls herself just a girl , she doesn't even know her worth . The people all around us mostly speak Shit about her because they can't have what she has . They can never match her . So they hate her.

Will they not speak about me ? Ofcourse they will . It's fear which stops them.

"A girl who has forever been my world, my family, my other half . The one who listens to all my crap and still sees me like the perfect one . The strongest one . The girl who always protects everyone , she's the best cook , the most beautiful, dignified, perfectly good human being and a headstrong , classy woman "

Her eyes shed tears and I take a step towards her "no , Shiv . DONT "

"Why not " I take another step.

"This is wrong "

"I don't Care"

"I do "

"I still don't " I take another step.

"There is a line between moral and immoral , right and wrong   " her voice along with my heart breaks.

"And I will cross every fucking line if you are on the other side " I stride and cage her in my arms. She tries to pull away but I'm not letting her go . Not today,  not ever.

If I have to protect her from everyone then I will fight all her battles,  even those with her own brain but I'm never letting her go away because of the demons in world who hate her or those who live inside her .

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