"The key?" Tang had put the map down on a pedestal. His hands spreading out the curls on the scroll, "How is a map the key to this whole thing."

Jinhua chuckled weakly, "It activates the ritual."

Just as she said that, the entire site started to glow a mystic gold, the map almost blinded Tang if he didn't step back. He jumped back startled by the sudden lights.

MK started to lean closer to the group, "That's toootally, not creepy whatsoever."

Redson's eyes trailed over the carved stones that surrounded the site, "So many ancient texts..."

Mei glanced over at him with a raised brow, "What does that mean?"

"It's the little symbols you use for incantations... But a wide magnitude of these... It must've took days of preparing for the ritual..." Redson was still in awe.

MK heard a familiar chime of bells as he pulled out the three rings, holding them in front of him, he watched as they began to levitate.

Pigsy turned to Jinhua, "What's happening!?"

Jinhua felt her skin itch, "The ritual has begun... We might have to start without Macaque and Wukong."

Redson looked at Jinhua nervously, "But aren't we supposed to wait for Monkey King...?"

MK let out a gasp, alerting the entire group, "Guys...!? The rings are doing something-!" MK and the rest watched as the rings gradually circled around the engraved sigil in the middle of the site. But as soon as they were in positions, a golden beam shot into the sky like a beacon.

Mei lurched forward in pain as her chest lit ablaze in just a moment before disappearing. Mei was held up by Jinhua hand on her shoulder.

"Mei..! Are you okay??" Jinhua asked fearfully.

Mei pressed her hand on her chest, "I-I don't know... Master, the instinct... It's getting more stronger than the second..." She huddled closer to the demoness, scared of what was to come.

Jinhua wrapped an arm around her apprentice, "It's alright... Once we reforge the rings and get this over with, I'm sure it'll all be over..."

Mei looked to the ground in unease, "I hope so..."

"I do too." Jinhua pressed her head against the warrior's. Trying to provide as much comfort as possible.

MK was panicking, "How are we supposed to control the fire if we barely even have one higher ranked demoness present! We need to wait for our mystic monkeys to get back before doing anything else...!!"

Resounding crashes of icebergs in the distance made the group turn to seen ice towers loom and sprout closer and closer. Noting that something bad was coming they're way, fast.

MK smiled nervously, "I sure hope that's someone we know..."

Redson stood in a fighting position, "And I'm sure that none of our allies has ice manipulation on that level."

Deadly spikes of ice began to sprout around the ritual site, trapping them all in with no room to escape.

One erupted from behind Pigsy but Sandy was rushing over to provide cover, leading them both trapped within the ice.

A massive ice claw slammed down right where MK was. Luckily the simian backflipped out of the way in time. His eyes widened though when he noticed who it was, "Ren...?"

"Don't get in my way brother! I don't wish to force my hand against you guys...!" He hissed, "I'm just here for the Samadhi Fire... Then I'll be done with this all!" His projected ice claw then reached out for the floating rings.

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