"I just don't believe that...," he shifted his gaze towards Xavier's position in the classroom, "...he would just come to you and ask you to study."

"I didn't believe him either, but I guess it's my only chance to gain more knowledge about you guys without raising suspicion," I explained.

"We're here, ask us," Dean whispered from behind me, as we both tried not to catch the death stare from our teacher.

"It's okay, guys. I can handle it," I reassured them.

"I don't think you understand," Avery, who was seated next to me, chimed in. "You, the new girl, got invited to the library to be alone with the school's infamous fuckboy for a study session. From what I know, the studying he does with girls always ends up with...sucking."

"The good kind," Jacob interjected, stifling his laughter.

"What if I bring a knife?" I suggested, half-jokingly.

"Yeah, you do that," Avery replied, dismissing my comment. I couldn't help but feel that I had done something to upset her.

"Is everything alright, Avery? I feel like you're angry with me," I asked, concerned. Her eyes met mine, and I sensed her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Oh my gosh, Red, of all guys, no, I don't like Xavier. Trust me, I'm not. It's just that I don't want you to get involved with him. He's already causing you trouble with his crazy ex. What if she finds out?" Avery's words brought Aubrey and her followers to the forefront of my mind. I hadn't even considered the potential repercussions.

"I didn't think about Aubrey and her puppets. But what better opportunity could I have to investigate my parents than with the principal's son by my side?" I pondered aloud.

"I'll be careful, I promise," I reassured Avery, reaching out to hold her hand gently. I could see her anger subside, replaced by a calmer demeanor.

"Hey, Dean, why don't you hold my hand when I panic, bro?" Jacob chimed in, attempting to lighten the mood. Dean placed his hand on the desk, and Jacob playfully rested his hand on top of Dean's.

"Because I'm not gay, you fool," Dean replied, removing Jacob's hand and shifting to the other side.


"I'm going to do this," I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart. It was the only opportunity I had, and it wasn't exactly obvious or ideal, but it was a chance nonetheless. I hoped no one would see us, as I wasn't ready for any unnecessary drama. Thoughts swirled in my mind, filling me with anxiety, and I could feel the perspiration forming on my palms.

"Hey, relax," Xavier's voice came as a gentle whisper behind me, causing my body to slightly jump. His warm breath tickled my ear, sending shivers down my spine and making my body tremble involuntarily.

"What's with you and whispering?" I replied, trying to steady my voice.

"What's with you thinking I'm going to bite you?" he teased, his words laced with a hint of mischief.

"I don't think-" I started to say, but he interrupted me.

"While I might, and I have a feeling you might enjoy it," he continued, his voice trailing off as he moved closer to my neck.

Reacting instinctively, I delivered a swift punch to his stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Without waiting for him to recover, I briskly walked towards the library, leaving him behind. I could faintly hear him shouting for me to wait, but I ignored his pleas.

Entering the library, I spotted Miss Allysn gathering some books left on a nearby table. I mustered a smile and spoke up, attempting to divert her attention.

"Umm, do you need any help?" I asked, hoping to distract her from the situation with Xavier. She turned towards me, her face initially lighting up with recognition.

"Hey, new girl. It's nice to see you," she greeted me warmly. However, her smile quickly faded.

"Well, not him," she added, her expression turning into a frown. I turned around and saw Xavier browsing through some books. I couldn't help but wonder-had it not been for my infatuation with Mr. Caddel, would I have found myself drawn to Xavier?

"It's not what it seems. We're only studying," I hurriedly explained, not wanting her to think I was just another girl falling for Xavier's charms.

"That's what each and every one of the girls he brings here says," she responded, her tone filled with skepticism.

"I'm not like those girls," I protested, eager to differentiate myself. I couldn't let her think poorly of me.

"I know, and that's why I want you to stay away from him," Miss Allysn warned, her concern evident in her voice.

"But-" I tried to interject, but she cut me off.

"Hey, Green eyes, let's study over there," Xavier's voice interrupted, as he gestured towards a secluded spot in the library.

"Coming, Fangs," I replied, gripping my bag tightly to calm myself. I wished that the voice, the one that had been absent for a while, would provide some guidance or reassurance.

Speaking of the voice, I hadn't heard from it in a while. Had it truly disappeared? Or was it all just in my head-an imaginary creation born out of my loneliness?

"I can't say I like that nickname," He stated firmly as we settled into our seats.

"Neither do I, so drop the Green eyes, and I'll drop mine," I proposed, hoping he would agree.

"Fangs it is then," He relented, a mischievous glint in his eyes and I felt a mixture of annoyance and intrigue towards him.

"You are so-" I began, but he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Hot. Sexy. Unbelievably fuckable," he smirked, his words leaving a trail of arrogance in their wake as he moved closer to my face.

"I was going to say extremely frustrating," I retorted, trying to maintain a sense of composure. Xavier, with his persistent advances, reminded me of the jocks from high school who would go to any lengths to satisfy their desires-a mix of adorable and sadness.

"Well..." Xavier's voice trailed off as he inched his chair closer to mine. "I can be all of them if you want," he added, winking at me playfully. I couldn't help but chuckle, amused by his audacity.

"Yeah, I don't think-" I was about to finish my sentence when a sudden sense of unease washed over me. I noticed someone's shadow lurking behind a stack of books, and my mind struggled to process what I was seeing.

"What's that?" I raised the alarm, turning to Xavier, hoping he would provide an explanation. But when he looked in the same direction, there was nothing there.

Am I going crazy? The thought lingered in my mind, casting doubt over my sanity.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter ❤️

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