Time's Up

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I stared at the digital display on Dr. Doomsday's desk. The red numbers counting down to the factory's estimated fail-state was the only light in the room, and possibly the entire building. I didn't know, and quite frankly, I didn't care.

In 3 hours, 22 minutes, and 17 seconds, the building would no longer exist.

The speaker on the desk's corner buzzed, displaying the name of the caller. I supposed the clock wasn't the only lights on after all. I pressed the icon marked 'talk'. Doombot 6377 complied.

"WalkMan, the asset has been secured. She is being held in cell block 4." The Doombot droned, showing no hint of remorse or uncertainty for kidnapping one of its former coworkers. Good. The morality subroutines had been re-written successfully.

I hung up the desk phone without a word, and rose from the villain's surprisingly comfortable chair. It was one of the few things I would miss from this wretched building.

My foot caught on something as I walked to the door, causing me to stumble slightly. I turned back and knelt down to find what had caught my stride, and found a small wooden protrusion from the desk corner. It looked like an open compartment, similar to a car's glove box, but only about 6 inches wide.

I flicked my mechanical finger in a specific order, activating a song from my intelligence boosting playlist. As the song swelled, my eyesight sharpened, and I began to notice small details. The hidden compartment had been opened for some time, as evident from a fine layer of dust inside the compartment. It had been opened within the last week, judging by the amount of dust on the surrounding decorative carvings in the desk's side. Whatever had been inside was cylindrical, judging by the rolling tracks from the indented resting place.

I turned off the song, before I ended up analyzing each spec of dust. Doomsday had hidden something here. He had also taken something from here.

The desk speaker buzzed once more. "Would you like to interrogate the subject now? I would recommend several hours of isolation first, but I believe we do not have the ti-"

I snapped my gaze to the speaker, selecting a new sound on my headset and annihilating the entire desk. It wasn't going to be of further use after the next three hours and...

The digital countdown display showed nothing, since it had been on the desk next to the offending speaker.

I left the office, not caring about the smoldering remains of Doctor Doomsday's Doctorate degrees or other personal effects.

I had approximately three hours left before the entire factory exploded. Until then, I would make this woman in holding cell 4 tell me what Doomsday had taken from his secret hiding place. And if she didn't know...

Well, I wasn't planning on taking her with me in the evacuation. She worked for the Doomsquad, after all, and the Doomsquad was evil. Therefore, she was evil too. I was done with letting evil live.

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