Assault on Doomsquad 13

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Dr. Doomsday

The man known as "The Manager" had gained consciousness around 3 hours ago.

Hadron had begun the "interrogation" around 2 and a half hours ago.

I didn't stay long to watch. After Hadron had begun the conversation with his cyborg arms set to the electric setting, I had left. Not that I was squeamish, by any means, but I had other work to tend to. Hadron would get this "Manager" to talk eventually. He always did.

I smirked to myself as I strode the halls of my Fortress of Doomitude. Hadron was making a far better villain than he ever did as a hero. I think he actually enjoyed his work here.

I heard footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.

"Doctor Doomsday!" WalkMan shouted, drawing alongside me and matching my stride. "Why didn't you tell me the Manager was awake?"

I grinned. It was the same grin I usually used before I cackled.

"You were in that engineering class, I didn't want to interrupt." I said honestly. "I'm flattered, by the way. If you ever need a tutor, I'd be glad to-"

"Who is leading the interrogation?" WalkMan said, ignoring my provoking offer.

"Hadron volunteered" I answered truthfully. "He had some personal business he wanted to work out of his system."

WalkMan grumbled. "Hope he remembers to ask some questions every now and then."

I stopped, and gave WalkMan my full attention. "You're not bothered by this?"

WalkMan didn't meet my gaze. "Yeah, I guess not. That Bastard hurt my son."

I cackled. "I'm so proud of you, WalkMan. You're fitting in the Doomsquad so well."

WalkMan grunted, dismissively. "That reminds me, expect a new recruit to arrive shortly. Kid named Billy, thinks he's my nemesis or something."

I grinned even wider. "And you wanted to introduce him to your real Nemesis?"

WalkMan shook his head. "I figured he could use some guidance. Kid's confused."

I was about to make another witty jab at WalkMan, but drew myself short as a thought crossed my mind.

"WalkMan, how is Billy coming here?"

WalkMan answered as he stared off into space, deep in thought. "Gave him the address."

"Does this 'Billy' have a vehicle? A car, helicopter, villainous contraption?" I asked.

"No, he's just some kid. He'll probably use an..."

WalkMan jerked his head back towards me, with a sudden realization.

"Uber." We said in unison.

The door alarm chimed. Then, the lights went out.

The kid had lead The Office right to us.

The emergency backup light strips kicked on, illuminating the hallway in a red hue.

"BATTLE STATIONS" I shouted, activating my defensive subroutines and charging my chest based laser. "ALL MINIONS, BATTLE STATIONS! DEFENSIVE PATTERN DELTA!"

I heard WalkMan's speakers blare to life, blasting Breaking Benjamin's "Blow Me Away" directly into his face. I saw the faint glowing lines of power travel from his ears, surging through his neck and down the collar of his shirt.

We both took off at a sprint to the front door of the Fortress of Doomitude. We were joined by several Doombots, the automated kill bots that I had made as a hobby. Minions joined as well, most waiting for us to pass before falling in line behind us. Most were fully armed and ready, but I noticed some were missing their chest armor or boots.

I made a mental note to increase our defense training.

A thunderous blast ripped through the entrance, throwing the doors clear across the hall. The reinforced iron broke clean through the wall, crashing into the dining hall beyond.

I unleashed my laser into the newly formed cavernous entrance to my Fortress of Doomitude. Minions and Doombots alike opened fire as well, drenching the doorless doorway with more light than a sunrise could ever hope to achieve.

There was no return fire.

I held up one of my cyborg arms, making a fist in the traditional "stop" gesture. Minions and Doombots both ceased fire.

The dust and debris were the only moving things.

I raised my hand to my ear, activating my internal communications channel. "Alpha and Bravo teams, sweep the East and West wings, and group up at the South wing. Charlie team, you're on perimeter patrol."

A chorus of affirmatives answered him in turn.

"Hadron, secure the prisoner and defend. Do you copy?"

There was no response.

"Hadron? Come in, Hadron."

WalkMan and I glanced at each other, and took off in a dead sprint. I shouted back at the rag-tag group of Doombots and Minions as they began to follow us.

"Stay here, defend the entrance. Lethal force is authorized."

They complied.

WalkMan reached the interrogation chambers first. The two-way mirror was shattered, with glass shards littering the room beyond.

Hadron lay prone inside. Alone.

I turned to WalkMan. "Find the Manager."

He nodded, and took off deeper into the building.

I leapt through the broken window and dashed to Hadron's side. I switched my robotic eye to medical scan mode, and saw the faintest of vital signs. Several bones had various degrees of breaks and fractures, and he was bleeding internally in more places than he wasn't.

"Doc..." Hadron said weakly. I was amazed he had the strength to speak at all.

I knelt beside him, searching for an uninjured spot to lay a reassuring hand. "Hold on, Hadron. I'll get you to the med bay."

Hadron coughed, spitting up frothy blood. "Nah, I'm a gonnah. Tha' bastard... he..."

Hadron trailed off weakly, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain.

I keyed my ear communication once again. "Medical team A, interrogation room 2 NOW." I demanded, then returned my attention to the dying man.

"I'm commin' home, Electron." Hadron said quietly. It took me a moment to remember that was the name of his deceased sidekick. "Put the kettle on for me, will 'ya?"

My eye-based medical scanner emitted a low tone as Hadron's vital signs ceased.

I heard footsteps rapidly approach from behind.

"They got away" WalkMan said, slightly too loud over his blaring music. "They had a chopper waiting for..."

He trailed off as he saw Hadron's lifeless body in my arms.

"Is he..." WalkMan said, as he turned off his music.

I nodded.

Minions and Doombots alike gathered around, trickling in from all directions. I heard distant shouts and orders as my lieutenants directed the security sweeps and other details, but I couldn't make out any specific word.

A medical Doombot team arrived. These androids had the red medical cross painted on their chassis, their weapons replaced with medical gear. I gently lay Hadron's body down and took a step back as they began their work. The medical team would go through all of the pre-determined steps, but I knew the result would be the same.

Hadron was dead.

WalkMan put his right hand on my shoulder. I could feel the robotic ring finger squeeze slightly out of synch with the rest of his digits.

"We'll make them pay for this" WalkMan growled. "All of them. The Manager, the whole fucking Office. We'll burn it to the ground."

I looked at WalkMan. I saw the tears building in his eyes, and the rage building behind them.

"You're Goddamn right." I responded. "The Doomsquad is going to War."

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