The More The Murdery-er

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Dr. Doomsday

Leaving the Hero's Union Local 283 meeting room was slightly awkward. I was used to my Fortress of Doomitude, with wide hallways, a barracks, full DoomBot factory, all on dozens of acres of private lands. The Hero's Union Local 283 meeting had taken place in a reserved room at the public library.

I swept my lab coat behind me as I made my way through the rows of books and their readers. Steven and Tiffany followed closely, although Tiffany was slowly falling behind as she inspected the books mid stride. The Hero's Union Local 283 leaders had stayed behind, to discuss logistics and undoubtedly if I was telling them the truth.

"Doc, are we really doing this?" Steven asked, side stepping away from a librarian pushing a full cart of returned books. "You're going to help the Hero's attack your Doomfort?"

I stopped, and turned dramatically by instinct. This had the unfortunate effect of slapping a child in the face with the edge of my lab coat.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry" I said, kneeling down to comfort the child. "Are you ok? I didn't mean to hurt you..."

The child sniffed a bit, but held his emotions together. He was showing more bravery than most of my adversaries usually did. His mother, though, was not. She quickly gathered her son protectively in her arms and power-walked out of the building.

As I watched her leave, I noticed the small crowd gathered outside the front entrance. Men and women dressed like they were following the band Kiss on tour, or were fans of the Las Vegas Raiders.

"What are they doing here?" I asked Steven, not looking away from the gathered Super Villains outside. "Did the Evil League of Evil re-schedule poker night?"

Steven took a step back, alarmed at their presence. "What the hell?" He asked, as he reached for his blaster.

I shot out an arm to stop him. "Relax, Steven." I said, guiding his hand away from the pistol. "If they wanted to attack us, they already would have."

Steven muttered something I couldn't quite make out, but I ignored it.

"I'm going to go say hi." I said, turning back to Steven and...

"Where is Tiffany?" I asked, glancing around.

A feminine hand waved from a row of books a few rows away. "Here boss, sorry, just seeing if they had the new Harry Potter illustrated book yet." She called.

I looked at Steven, and sighed. "Stay with her." I commanded. "Catch up with me when she's done."

Steven raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Instead, he simply nodded and turned around, walking back towards the isle that Tiffany was in.

I strode out of the library, approaching my peers in villainy.

Toxic Masculinity was the first to notice me, and waved. Tiny droplets of poisonous sweat flung from his hand, dissolving small holes into the pavement by his feet. The other Supervillains turned to face me as I approached.

Citra spoke first. "We heard that you're working with WalkMan, and the Hero's Union." She said accusingly, pursing her lips. I recognized that as a sign that she was building up her citrus-based powers, preparing for a fight.

"Hello to you too, Vivian." I said, using her real name.

"Is it true?" Grandmommy LongLegs asked, shuffling towards me with her walking frame. "Did you turn 'hero' on us?"

I cringed as she approached. I liked the elderly super villain well enough, but her power over spiders was just gross.

"It's a complicated matter, and a longer story." I said to the group.

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