Super Father-In-Law

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When I came out to my parents as trans, they had reacted with anger and disgust, and disowned me on the spot. If Doctor Doomsday hadn't offered me a job in his Doomsquad, I would have been homeless. Instead, I received a bunk in the dormitory of the Fortress of Doomitude, a decent salary, and further training with my powers. As a bonus, I had met Steven, WalkMan's son and current Doomsquad member. We had began dating, and were at the point where traditionally we'd meet each others parents. Steven sure as hell was never going to meet my parents, but I was about to meet his dad.

I double checked the address that Doctor Doomsday had provided. The Maps app confirmed I had arrived at the correct address. I could see my hair fade in the reflection of the screen, from a nervous yellow into a subtle brown that could pass as 'normal' to most people.

I didn't want to be normal. I wanted to be me. The real me.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, and opened the car door. I noticed my hair was back to my chosen vibrant pink as the door closed.

The doorbell chimed far louder than it had any right to, emitting a blast of some classical music that I didn't recognize. I jumped back in surprise, and activated my super power. I vanished from view as my skin adapted to the colors around me, camouflaging like a chameleon.

The door opened. WalkMan stood in the entryway, looking confused. "Is anyone there?" He called out.

I took another deep breath, and forced myself to change back to my usual pale white skin.

WalkMan leapt back, activating a fight song from some hidden speaker as he did. I could see his muscles flex and glow as the heavy metal song granted him super strength.

I held up both hands and cried out. "I'm here about Steven! Please don't hurt me!" I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away, bracing for a blow to come any second.

Nothing struck me.

Instead, I heard the music fade away.

"What have you done to Steven? Is Doctor Doomsday holding him at ransom now? Did that hypnosis or mind control wear off and Steve wants to escape?" WalkMan said, not waiting for an answer.

"What? No, none of that. Steven is being held in a prison, with Avatar, and we need your help to set him free." I said, at my first opportunity.

WalkMan cocked his head like a confused dog. "Who's Avatar?"

"His hero name was 'Hadron', I think. When he joined Doctor Doomsd-"

WalkMan's gaze hardened. His stare felt worse than any super powered punch could have.

"I'm just here as a messenger, sir." I said, filling in the awkward silence I had created. "Long story short, we want you to help rescue Steven."

WalkMan grunted in irritation. "And why can't you or any other minion rescue him? Or even the bad Doctor himself?"

I stared at the hero, as my hair changed hue to a blindingly bright red. "What in the FUCK is wrong with you?!?!" I shouted, startling the hero and myself alike. "Your son is in danger and you're being a petty loser!"

"Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that-" WalkMan began.

"I'm Steven's girlfriend, Stacy." I cut in. "Its nice to meet my boyfriend's father, he's told me so much about you."

I turned and stormed back to the Doomsquad's minion loaner car, a Nissan Leaf. As I slammed the door, I burst into tears, sobbing onto the steering wheel. How could someone as sweet as Steven have a father like WalkMan? How could he even consider not saving his son?

I heard the passenger door open, and felt the ergonomic vehicle shift. I glanced up to see WalkMan buckling his seatbelt.

"Where is he, how long has he been in custody, and who has him?" WalkMan asked.

I couldn't catch by breath to respond. I tried as hard as I could, but no words came out.

To my surprise, WalkMan leaned across the center console, and hugged me. It was my first hug from a fatherly figure since...

I sobbed once more, burying my face into WalkMan's neck as he held me. I don't know how long we sat there, as I bawled out all of the built up emotions from the past year.

Softly, WalkMan spoke. "I know Doctor Doomsday treats you both well, and for that I am grateful. Steven and I can have a chat about his career path once he's rescued."

I broke the embrace, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "Thank you" I whispered.

WalkMan put one hand on my shoulder, and nodded ever so slightly. "I'm assuming you're going to take me to the Fortress of Doomitude, aren't you?"

It was my turn to nod. "Yeah" I said.

WalkMan sighed. "The things we do for our children. Go ahead." He leaned back into his seat, fidgeting with the comfort controls.

The car made a soft 'whoosh' as the electric engine turned on. "Oh, one thing, WalkMan." I said.

He glanced back towards me in the driver seat. "Yeah?"

"Doctor Doomsday told me to tell you 'welcome to the Doomsquad' before we left your house."

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