Knife Trick

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Dr. Doomsday

"Play it again" I demanded.

Stephen complied, rewinding the security footage from our latest mission. I saw two members of the Doomsquad team advancing down the hallway, and knew the third was camouflaged somewhere in the frame. The trio halted, probably due to some sound that wasn't captured by the building's cameras. I saw Avatar crouch into a combat position, while Steven stepped behind the big bruiser. Stacy remained hidden, only visible by the slight shimmer of her hair against a window.

A blur flew into frame from the left side of the screen, striking Avatar in the shoulder. The former hero clutched his arm in surprise, and return fire.


Fire spewed forth from Avatar's free hand, filling the hallway with boiling flames. The camera struggled to adjust the lighting levels as hell was unleashed. It finally caught up when Avatar finished the blast, and switched places with Steve.

I saw Stacy emerge from her camouflage and rush to Avatar, attempting to provide first aid to the wounded man. He tried to shrug her off, but Stacy persisted.

Steven stepped into the hallway and threw out his hands, like a crossing guard telling a car to stop. Nothing appeared to be happening, but I knew Steve was using his power dampening ability to disarm the unseen super hero.

A second knife flew into view, striking Steven in the thigh. He collapsed in pain, clutching his leg as he fell to the floor.

Stacy must have heard him at this point, since she abandoned Avatar and rushed to Steven's side. She applied pressure to his wound, but quickly let go as another knife flew towards her. She vanished into camouflage, presumably making her escape.

I turned to look at Stacy beside me. Her usually vibrant pink hair was currently the deepest black color I had ever seen.

"Steve tried to halt his powers, but he still threw those knives with pinpoint accuracy?" I asked, trying to keep my usual villainous tone out of the question. Stacy had been through enough these past few days, she didn't need any additional stress.

She nodded.

"Did Steve's powers fail? Did he miss, or have any interference?" I asked, pressing the questions further.

Stacy shook her head again. "He just... didn't have powers." She said weakly.

"So that man..." I began.

"Is just really good at throwing knives." Stacy finished.

I turned back to the video, and indicated for Stephan to continue.

The footage resumed, showing Avatar and Steven both clutching their knife wounds. Moments later, the man came into view. He held a throwing knife in each hand, and dozens more secured to a tactical vest. The blades glinted in the light cast by the errant flames from Avatar's attack.

The footage went blank.

I turned back to Stacy. "Do you know where they were taken after this?"

Stacy nodded.

I turned back to Stephan once again. "Stephan, assemble the prison break logistical planning team. Have everyone meet me in conference room one."

I turned, and strode from the room. "Stacy, with me." I called over my shoulder. I heard her small footsteps as she tried to catch up to me.

"We're going to need some help on the extraction team for this one." I told her, striding towards my office. "Steven and Avatar are two of my best, and that knife guy took them both down. I'm putting you in charge of recruiting the additional manpower."

Stacy nodded. "Affirmative. Do you have someone in mind?"

I stopped and turned, startling Stacy into another camouflage state. I spoke to the seemingly empty spot that I knew she still occupied.

"How's your relationship with Steven going?" I asked.

Stacy stuttered, still invisible. "It-, uh, good, I mean, well, its going well. Why?"

I cackled. "Stacy, I think it's time you met your boyfriend's father."

She gasped, and re-appeared in the hallway a few steps away from where I had thought she was. "You mean..."

I cackled once again. "It's finally time to recruit WalkMan to the Doomsquad."

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