The Doombots Aren't Revolting

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Dr. Doomsday

WalkMan collapsed to the office floor with an audible 'thunk', only partially muffled by the carpet. He lay motionless as the lullaby continued to play from Zune's mechanical finger, an extra copy of WalkMan's own prosthetic.

With a surprisingly delicate grip with only two fingers, Zune removed the robotic digit, kneeling and placing it next to his father's head.

"That'll keep him out for as long as it plays." I said, breaking the metaphorical silence. "What should we do, Zune?"

Zune looked up at me, with tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.

Before he could voice his answer, the office doors flew open. Wooden splinters flew across the room like shrapnel. The Doombot that had kicked the door open lowered its foot, while the rest of the robots of the security team poured into the office.

I raised one of my cyborg arms in a casual greeting. "Stand down Doombot 6377" I said, addressing the Doombot in charge of this security detail. "WalkMan has been subdued, I am demoting him from President. Please prepare a containment cell in block 4 for..."

I trailed off as the Doombots stared at me, still in combat mode. "Doombot 6377, stand down. Acknowledge the order."

Doombot 6377 didn't move a joint.

Zune rose slowly to his feet, slowly reaching for his holstered blaster pistol as he moved.

The Doombots behind 6377 raised their weapons, aiming directly at Zune and Me. "Dr. Doomsday, Steven, you are being detained for attacking the President of Doomsday, inc."

The other Doombots slowly advanced into the office, moving out in a flanking maneuver around us.

I sighed. Of course WalkMan would have re-programmed the Doombots, how could I have overlooked...

Zune drew his blaster and leapt backwards simultaneously, shooting Doombot 6377 directly in its optical sensor array and dodging the opening onslaught of Doombot return fire.

I dropped to one knee, activating my defensive subroutines as I moved. My cyborg arm shot out in a blur, grabbing Doombot 6377's leg joint and squeezing until it snapped.

Blinded and crippled, Doombot 6377 collapsed, landing heavily on the office floor. The robot's fall was cushioned by WalkMan's body, which jostled under the impact. His flailing limbs struck out, hitting the sleeping hero multiple times. One of his swings made contact with the cyborg finger, interrupting the lullaby with a metallic clang.

Zune's copy of the prosthetic finger fell silent.

WalkMan stirred.

Zune grabbed me by the shoulder, and pulled me towards the back corner of he office. "We gotta go" he said, "give me a few seconds."

I nodded, and turned back towards the growing crowd of Doombots. I saw two help WalkMan to his feet, checking his vitals and dabbing any minor scrapes with medical goo.

I charged my chest laser, concentrating all the energy in my body into one simultaneous blast. WalkMan pushed the medical Doombots aside, staring at Zune and I with a fury I hadn't seen from a hero. And right now, I didn't know if that title still applied.

As he took a step towards me, I activated the blast.

It wasn't a laser beam, which was my standard attacking move. Instead, it was a wide, shallow blast. More like a push than a punch.

I was still in my office, after all. I didn't want to damage my decorations.

WalkMan and the Rewired Doombots flew back several feet, landing in a pile on the floor in the hallway beyond. I took the opportunity and dashed to my desk, pressing hidden buttons in a specific sequence in rapid succession. A compartment fell open sideways, and an alarm klakson began to blare from every speaker in range.


I could only hope that WalkMan hadn't marked the Doomsquad minions as hostile to the corrupted Doombots.

"Doc!" Zune called out. I glanced over and saw him standing beside a glowing green object, cast in a green curtain of light. He reached a hand towards me.

"What in the hell-" I began, but Zune shook his head.

"No time to argue." He interrupted.

Unfortunately, I had to agree.

I grabbed the contents of the drawer, and rolled across the floor back towards Zune.

I grabbed Zune's hand, as he grabbed the time machine beside him.

An electric stabbing tingle swept over my body, reminding me of the time I had shingles. I glanced back towards WalkMan as the world around me turned green, then vanished.

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