Two Godfathers

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How in the hell had an armless villain escaped from a maximum security prison? How had he created weaponized prosthetic limbs so quickly? And most importantly, how had he even found out about my past?

"Dr. Doomsday, I know you're insane, but this... this takes the cake" I said to my most lethal enemy.

"Hear me out, WalkMan" he said, walking around the industrial machinery that lay smoldering between us. This had once been some sort of manufacturing plant, turning sheets of metal into complex machinery. Now, it was little more than scrap.

"We know each other very well. I've studied you extensively, trying to find a new weakness to exploit. I'm sure you've done similar." He ranted.

I gave a reluctant nod in agreement. I had spent countless hours in my soundproof recording studio, digging through various files and evidence about the super villain.

"I know your hobbies," he continued. "I know your views on politics, on religion, on financial responsibilities."

"Get to your point, Doctor. You're not the only bad guy I've got to stop today." I growled. In truth, I wanted this conversation to end. It made just enough sense that I wanted to hear him out, but this was a villain. I couldn't trust anything he said.

"My point, WalkMan, is that we know each other better than anyone. Did you know I accidentally planned a heist on my anniversary, and you ripped my arms off?" He gestured to his metallic arms, that currently were covered in machinery oil and plaster dust. "My point is, I know you better than anyone. And I like what I see."

"Have you ever thought of giving up crime, and spending more time with your loved ones?" I recommended, my tone easing a bit towards the sympathetic side. I had never married, even though...

The villain cackled. "Of course! But then I'd miss doing this" he gestured to the machinery in ruins around us.

"So you want to keep fighting" I said slowly, making sure I understood the overall proposition. "And if one of us dies, the other raises our children?"

"Precisely!" Dr. Doomsday exclaimed, jumping up on a twisted smoldering industrial laser. "Don't you see? We would be the best choices! We'd be able to protect them, obviously. We could teach them their fathers values, how to be a man, how to be super!" He punctuated his speech by clenching one of his cyborg fists.

I considered how to phrase my response. I wasn't sure how much he knew about my... situation. "Dr. Doomsday, I don't have any children. Your research should have told you that."

The supervillain grinned, and pulled a manilla envelope from a pocket deep inside his lab coat. "Oh, it told me so much more than that. I had been holding this to hurt you with, but now seems as good of a time as any." He tossed me the envelope.

Keeping an eye on him, I opened the folder and peered inside. A photo of a young man stared back. He had my eyes and jawline, but other features were softer, more delicate. His hair was jet black, the same color as... no...

I glared up at the bad Doctor. He cackled. "Yes, WalkMan. She lied to you, all those years ago. Meet Steven, your 14 year old son."

I stared back down at the photo. He definitely was mine, I could feel it.

"Do you want to meet him?" Dr. Doomsday asked softly. "I can arrange it... if you accept my proposal."

I clenched the folder in my fist, hating myself for what I was about to do.


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