WalkMan's Weakness

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"Seriously" WalkMan said, staring at me with an intensity I didn't know was possible. "You can't tell anyone. EVER."

I gaped open mouthed at WalkMan, the hero that used music to amplify his powers. If he listened to heavy metal, his strength became astronomical. If he listened to classical music, his IQ shot into four digit territory. And apparently, if he listened to a lullaby...

He fell asleep.

"How have you never heard a lullaby in public?" I asked, trying to take the focus away from myself.

"When's the last time YOU heard a lullaby in public?" WalkMan countered.

I shrugged. "Ok, good point. But it seems kind of obvious, hasn't anyone figured it out?"

WalkMan lowered his gaze, and clenched his fists in anger. "One did." He said through clenched teeth. "Doctor Doomsday figured it out. But he never uses it, because he feels it isn't 'sporting'."

I gasped. "Your greatest nemesis knows your weakness... and won't use it... because it's not FAIR?"

WalkMan turned away from me and pressed a series of buttons on his custom smartwatch. I heard a faint sound of music emanating from some hidden speaker in his outfit, that I could barely make out...

"Is that 'Eye of the Tiger'?" I asked.

WalkMan nodded, still facing away from me. "It helps my confidence." He said. "My therapist recommended I try it, and so far it works."

"...Don't you go to Doctor Doomsday's free emotional wellness clinic?" I asked. I had seen the story on the news about the super villain's clinic, and the follow up story of WalkMan accepting the public invitation to use it.

He nodded again, and turned to face me. "Yes. I think that's how he found out, but he did keep his word and hasn't used it in combat."

"So why-"

"Because I don't want some no-name punk to try to make a name for himself by killing me." WalkMan sighed and increased the volume of his speakers. "Anyone can just... shut me off. At any time. I can take a bullet, block a punch, break a blade... but a lullaby would end me."

"WalkMan... I swear, your secret is safe with me." I said, reassuringly. "And Doomsday, I guess."

"Doctor Doomsday" WalkMan said, correcting me. "He has a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics."

"Wow" I said. "I guess you two really do respect each other."

WalkMan looked more defeated than I had ever seen him after a fight. "Yeah, I guess we do."

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