💙💛 ...Was I too slow? 🇬🇱🇦🇶

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// Su1c1d@l thougts, Bitter sweet
Greenland: Cisman, Asexual, Demi- and Polyromantic, Su1c1d@l, Wears eye patch because lost another eye

Antarctica: Neutrois (They/Them), Asexual, Panromantic, Mute, Melting illness, Uses sign language that is marked by 'these marks'
They are pen pals.

Greenland's P.O.V.

Another morning.
I opened my eye to stare my room's ceiling.
Why bother to get up.
Every day feels the same anyway.
Empty and numb.
I'm tired of this.
I could just-

It was my little brother Faroe.
They had opened the door and walked in.
I lifted my head to see them sitting on my bed.

"..Oh hey."

"You got mail!"
They showed me an envelope.

"...A bil?"
I really wasn't in the mood for paying bills.

"I think when it has a snowflake sticker as it's seel it isn't a bil heh"
I got up fast and took the envelope from their hands.

It was from my pen pal Antarctica.
They always seeled their envelops with a snowflake sticker which let me to nickname them the Greenlandic word for snowflake, Qanuk.
I opened the envelope and pulled out the lettter.
I noticed imidietly that the paper had markings of wet spots that had dried.
I stared to worry if they had cried while writing.
I started reading it.
It was a lot shorter then all their other letters.

'Dear Greenland

Sorry that this letter is a bit shorter than usually but I just want to inform you.
You know about my illness and it has become a bit rougher for the last few days.
I'll have to stay in the hospital for a while but don't worry about me.
I'll be fine!

Yours truely: Antarctica'

I got up from my bed and quickly put on yesterday's clothes I had thrown on the floor last eeving.

"Why are are you in such a hurry?"
Faroe was confused.

"I have to go. Qanuk is hospitalizied."
I ran out of the room.
I didn't bother to listen what they yelled after me.
I wanted to make sure my Qanuk was alright.

I don't want to loose them.
I care deeply of them.
They are the most important reason I keep myself alive.
(Such wöw time skip to hospital)
I rushed trought the doors as fast as I could and ran up to the reception.
Fuck- Why it had to be empty now-?!
I needed to find their room quickly-
They could be anywhere-!

"Hello sir, can I he-"

"Where are they!? Where is Qanuk?? Where is Antarktis??!"

"Uhm-- The room 112- upstairs-"
I didn't even thank the nurse.
I ran up the stairs and almost triped on them.

"100.. no.. 120...nO I WENT PAST IT--"
I quickly turned around to return back to their door.

There it was.
I was panting from all the running.
I tried my best to fix my apprence and get my breath to normal.
I took air deep in my lungs.
And released it when I opened the door.

The room was cold which was great.
They couldn't be that long in warmth anyway.
They were sitting on the hospital bed and waved at me when they saw who came.
I run up to them giving them a big hug.
Their smile was so sweet.
So lovely.
So precious.

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