💛❤ That escalated quickly 🇸🇬🇭🇰

877 10 22

//Steamy sleepover

Request from: LenLuiLissa

Singapore: Cisman, Aromantic, Doesn't want to specify his sexuality, Business man, Open to one night stands

Hong Kong: Transwoman, Bisexual, Has dragon elements (Horns, tail, teeth ect.) Needs a break from fighting with her big brother China

The two know eachother and are friends.

Third Person's P.O.V.

It was almost 10 PM already.
Singapore was still cleaning up his office after a busy day.
He liked to keep things in order and disliked asymmetry.
Everything needed to be in a specific place and everytime someone had moved any object from their place it irritated Singaoore a lot.
Finally everything was exactly where it belonged.
He sighed in relief.
He hoped the cleaners that arrived at 12 AM wouldn't ruin his hard work once again.
He grabed his laptop case and left the office locking it behind him.
Hong Kong was annoyed.
She couldn't sleep.
China had hacked most of her electronic devices and all of them blasted a song she hated the most.
The red sun in the sky.
No matter what she did to her electronics somehow always one of them repeated that anoying song.

'I'm going crazy if I stay here! ...And he wants that I come over and plead him to stop. Never.'
She thought to herself.

It wasn't even a minute later when she decided to leave.

She didn't know where to go.
Visiting her two other siblings weren't options since Taiwan was visiting her friends and Macau was working all night in one of their casinos.
Leaving China to annoy and bully her this time instead of other one of those two.
She kept her head down cursing about her brother not looking where she was walking.
"Ow. Watch where you are going."
Singapre looked up to see who had bumped into him.

"Watch yourself-! ..Oh- Singapore I'm so sorry-!"
She helped him up the ground.

"It's fine. Why are you so angry?"

"I'm not."

"Sure you aren't. You're growling and your tail is all fluffed up.

" ... Hrmhh."

Hong Kong explained to him how she couldn't stay home since the harrasment and didn't really have a place to go for the night.
Singapore listened all what she had to say and without any words took a hold of her wrist and started walking towards his home.
Hong Kong was confused but glad the grip wasn't thight like China's always were.
This was gentle.
They arrived to his house.
Hong Kong watched how precisely Singapore took of his shoes and put them on a specific place.
She decided to do the same since she knew how punctual he was about everything.

"You can sit down if you like. I'II change out of my work uniform."
He went to his room and closed the door behind him.

Hong Kong tried her best not to hit anything with her tail while walking to Singapore's living room.
Everything in the house was symmetrical.
The rooms, the furniture and even the colors.
She was amazed how pretty it all looked.
"I brought you a pillow and a blanket. You can sleep on the couch if you want."
Hong Kong turned her gaze at him.

He was wearing a t-shirt and boxers.
It was the most casual clothing she had ever seen on him.
She couldn't lie to herself that she liked that look of his.

"I- Thank you-!"
She run up to him and huged him.

She was so happy Singapore actually took her in when no one else would.
She wanted to do something for him to make it all up to him.
(Smut is about to start happening)
"..Hong Kong, you do know I don't really care for physical touch."

"...Then what kind of touch you like?"

"I don't care for platonic nor romantic touch. I do for sexual touch tho"

"From who..? If I may ask-?"

"Anyone really. Man, woman, non binary it doesn't matter to me."

Hong Kong backed away for a bit from Singapore but moved her hands to his chest.
They slowly moved them lower and lower until they were near his crotch.

" Would you like- you know- since I have to pay for all this kindness and--"
She was blushing when she felt his member in her hands through the cloth.

"You don't need to pay. But if you want to sleep with me you are free to do so."
Singapore seemed calm despite Hong Kong's hard blushing.

"Y-yes I'd like to--"
He went to his room and Hong Kong followed behind him.
His room was as decorated and symmetrical as the rest of his house.

"You wanna be penetraded? How hard?"

"Y -you are quite outspoken- b-but I- don't know- y- you can decide-"
Next thing Hong Kong was able to prosses clearly was she laying on the bed Singapore on top of
He took off the clothes he had and after himself he took of her clothes.

"I- I'm sorry I have- still- quite a masculine body--"

"Don't apologize for that. It doesn't matter what your body looks like or what others might say. You are still a woman."
He put two of his fingers onto his mouth to moisturize them.

" That's- one of the nicest things I've heard ngh~"
She felt how Singapore's fingers were inside her quite new hole.

"It is fact. So are that you have a pretty body and beautiful voice."
He moved his fingers inside of her while he spoke making her moan.

"Nnggh~ w-why- are you so nice- to me-??"
She was confused.
Singapore was so nice yet said almost everything in the same tone he always used.

"Because I like you a lot."
He stoped the fingering and aimed his member to her entrence.

"Y-you do-? B-but why---AaH~"
She felt his member inside touching the walls.

"Less talking, more enjoyment"
He started moving.

His pace was steady building up a bit by bit.
Hong Kong moaned in pleasure.
It was the first time someone had entered her new hole which wasn't even a year old.
It wasn't her first time being intimite and she could tell it wasn't Singapore's either.
Hong Kong's experiences before had always made her feel really uncomftroble.
But now with Singapore she felt happy.
She was happy she was able to share this moment with someone who accepted her.
She had her pleasuring moment while Singapore came into her.
She liked the wet feeling she got from the experience.

"You liked it?"
Singapore came to lay next to her.

"...Yess.. I did.. So muchh."
She was quite tired after the pounding she had recived.

"Sleep well, beautiful."
Singapore gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then pulled a blanket on top of them.
When Hong Kong woke up she noticed she was alone in the bedroom.
Her clothes were neatly foulded on the side wherd Singapore had slept on and there was a note on top of them.
She took the note and began to read it:
'Hello Hong Kong.
Sorry I had to leave so early I had a meeting to attend to.
You can stay in my house for the day if you like to so you won't get harrased.
There's food in the fridge.
//Such wow again a story
Also also again a really big thanks to Local_Slena_Porcana who helped me to reviwe this story from the old book
I'm so soo thankfull!

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