❤💛 ...It wasn't that bad- 🇲🇲🇹🇭

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(I don't want to offend anyone with the themes included in this chapter. People who do these things as a job are equally important to everyone else and they are very brave in their job)

//Pr0stituti0n, experimenting

Request from  friendly_degenerate

Thailand: Bigender (AMAB, identifies as woman and man, she/he, Has taken estrogen so she has curves and a noticable chest), Bisexual, Pr0stitute because she wanted to be one, Preforms and works in a br0thel, He only sleeps with countries who'll pay a good price, Sassy gurl boi

Myanmar: Cisman, Closeted Pansexual, Internalized h0mоfоьia of himself, Is expected too much from others around him, Nervouse boi

Myanmar wants a distraction from his monotonous life.

Myanmar's P.O.V.

Another day just like the others.
The same activites.
The same faces.
The same topics.
I was getting bored of it.
I wanted a chance.

I was looking up data for an document ASEAN had assigned me and I came accross  an add.
I didn't pay much attention on it but ofcourse I managed to actually click it.

It took me to a website.
A website about a apperently well known... fun house.
I was about to click away but I couldn't help myself and look at the people who worked there.
One of them stood out to me-
She was working there-?
And he was also employed by ASEAN-?
Why would she do this if he also had a another job-?
...Maybe this job felt as dull to him as it felt to me-

I decided to exit the website and continue working.
...But I coundn't shake the beautiful people I saw on that website out of my head-
Why I was thinking of them-
I shouldn't look at anyone.

...I don't know what came over me when I decided to go back on that website and book a night.
There was an option 'surprise me' and now I'd spent the next night with someone I didn't even know-
I put the reservation under a false name and the price would be decided on the place.
...I can't belive what I did-
I'd go spent my night with a stranger-
I finally arrived at the place.
It looked very clean and modern.
It was like a hotell.
I had dressed myself in a coat and a large hat so I wouldn't be regonized that easilly.

"Are you Mr. Ei?"
A lady asked who was behind a counter when I steped inside.
This truely looked liked just a normal hotell at first glance.

I nodded.

"Your room number is 64. Take this card to accsess the elevator and go to the third floor. Knock on the door and your date is wating inside."
She pointed to the elevator and I tried my best to remeber what she said-

I was really nervouse and shaked when I was inside the elevator--
The website and the reviews I had looked before assured me that no one in this place would tell the customer's identity which made me relieved but I was still nervouse-

I steped out the elevator and started looking for the room.
...Ofcourse it was at the end of the hallway.
As I walked there I heard all kinds of noices from the other rooms.
There was a lot more customers than I thought-

Finally I spotted the door.
I gulped and knocked on it-
The door flung open and I was pulled inside-

"Hi handsome~"
The person took of my hat and I lifted my head to see who I was going to sleep with.

Countryhumans Smut/Fluff One Shots *REMAKE*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora